cheerinessn. 開心,快活
cheeriness 開心;
1.Try to be interesting and you will gain a great sense of humour. And it will bring you 試著變得幽默,你將會擁有超人的幽默感。這將給你帶來無窮盡的歡樂與幸福。
2.Lancer looked lean and limber in tight-fitting trousers and a sleeveless shirt, but Scott noted dark circles under the singer's dyes and a somberness beneath the cheeriness of the moment. 蘭瑟穿著寬鬆的褲子和無袖的襯衫,看上去清瘦而敏捷,但是斯科特看出了他的黑眼圈和片刻歡愉外表之下的憂傷。
3.The researchers used the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Index — a standard set of questions psychologists use to measure happiness — to analyze the cheeriness of the study participants. 研究者利用了傳染病研究的核心對像-抑鬱指數-這個在心理學上用來衡量幸福指數的因素來分析參與者的快樂程度。