n. deadening ,impairment ,irregularity ,stultification
constipation[,kɔnsti'peiʃən]n. [醫]便秘;受限制
constipation 便秘;糞結;大便不通;出口梗阻型便秘;chronic constipation 慢性便秘;functional constipation 功能性便秘;psychogenic constipation 精神性便秘;釋義:精神性便秘;spastic constipation 痙攣性便秘;痙攣性便秘,痙攣性便秘;釋義:痙攣性便秘;
1.How to treat constipation? Eliminate constellation? 怎樣治療便秘?排除宿便?
2.Objective: To study the effect and mechanism constipation caused from sucralfate. 目的:研究硫糖鋁的致便秘作用及其作用機制。
3.My daughter loves these and they really seem to be helping with her constipation problems. 我的女兒喜歡這個咀嚼軟糖,它看來真的幫助她解決了便秘問題。
constipation of cold type - 冷秘
constipation due to heat in large intestine; large intestinal heat-accumulating - 大腸熱結
constipation in pregnancy - 妊娠期便秘
constipation of excess type - 實秘
constipation of cold nature - 寒性積滯
constipation due to cold - 寒秘
constipation due to cold pathogen - 寒秘閉
constipation due to disorder of qi - 氣秘
relieving constipation by hydragogue; relieving constipation by purgation - 瀉下通便
constipation due to heat; heat-type constipation - 熱秘
constipation due to accumulation ofphlegm; constipation due to the accumulation of phlegm - 痰秘
asthenic-type constipation; constipation of insufficiency tupe; constipation of insufficiency type - 虛秘
constipation due to pathogenic wind - 風秘
急性便秘 - acute constipation
n.腹瀉便秘交替 - alternating diarrhea and constipation
n.腹瀉與便秘交替出現 - alternation of diarrhea and constipation
n.虛秘 - asthenic-type constipation
n.弛緩性便鉍,無力性便秘 - atonic constipation
慢性單純性便秘 - chronic simple constipation
n.結腸性便秘 - colonic constipation
n.不得前後 - dysuria and constipation
n.習慣性便秘 - habitual constipation
n.熱結 - heat constipation
n.熱秘 - heat-type constipation
n.潤腸通便 - looseing the bowel to relieve constipation
n.潤腸通便 - loosen the bowels to relieve constipation
n.潤腸通便 - losseing the bowel to relieve constipation
n.直腸性便秘 - proctogenous constipation
n.理氣通便 - regulating the flow of qi to relieve constipation
n.瀉下通便 - relieving constipation by hydragogue
n.瀉下通便 - relieving constipation by purgation
n.單純性便秘 - simple constipation
n.痙攣性便秘 - spastic constipation
n.脾陰虛,脾約 - the splenic constipation
n.走哺 - vomiting caused by anuresis and constipation
n.陽結 - yang constipation
n.陰結 - yin constipation