n. comprehensiveness ,mellowness ,richness ,voluminosity
n. emptiness
fullness['fulnis]n. 充滿;豐富;完全;成熟
FULLNESS 寬鬆位;拋位;豐滿度;肥[瘠]度;fullness life 豐盛人生;precordial fullness 心前區悶;心口悶;fish fullness 魚類豐滿度;Lesser Fullness 小滿;
1.Love is life in its fullness like the cup with its wine. 愛是充實的生命,猶如滿是葡萄美酒的夜光杯。
2.Make me thy cup and let my fullness be for thee and for thine. 讓我做你的酒杯,將我的滿盈貢獻給你,和你的一切。
3.When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy. 當我們在充實中感到快樂時,我們便能愉快地放棄我們的果實。
feeling of fullness in the head; fullness of head - 頭脹
fullness of the lower abdomen - 少腹滿
fullness in the epigastrium - 心下滿
epigastuic fullness and pain - 心下痞痛
bright-eyed and energetic; fullness of energy with visual acuity - 神光充沛
fullness and rigidity of hypochondriym - 脅下痞硬
fullness in the stomacg; fullness in the stomach - 胃脘痞悶
fullness or pain - 胃脘部脹或悶痛
fullness sensation in chest - 胸滿
fullness in the chest and hypochondrium - 胸脅脹滿
abdominal distention; fullness of atdomen - 腹脹
n.腸痺 - abdominal fullness
n.心下痞 - epigastric fullness
n.心下痞痛 - epigastuic fullness and pain
n.脹滿感;n.痞滿 - feeling of fullness
n.頭脹 - feeling of fullness in the head
n.心口悶,心前區悶 - precordial fullness
n.消痞 - relieve distension and fullness
n.除滿 - relieve the sensation of fullness
n.消痞 - relieving distension and fullness
n.消痞 - relieving distention and fullness
n.脹滿感 - sensation of fullness