





hydatid['haidətid]n. 包蟲;包蟲囊;水泡adj. 包蟲囊的;囊狀的


hydatid 包蟲;包蟲囊 棘球囊 囊;泡狀附件;包蟲囊 棘球囊 囊;hydatid sand 棘球砂;釋義:棘球蚴沙,棘球蚴砂;alveolar hydatid 泡狀棘球蚴;hydatid resonance 釋義:棘球囊叩響;hydatid rash 釋義:包蟲囊疹;


1.Objective:To discuss the CT features of mediastinum hydatid cyst. 目的:探討縱隔棘球蚴病的CT表現。

2.Objective To explore the ultrasound and CT diagnosing value for live alveolar hydatid disease. 目的探討超聲與CT對肝泡球蚴病的診斷價值。

3.Objective To understand the prevalent status and the degree of hydatid disease in Yunnan province. 目的瞭解雲南包蟲病的流行和危害程度,為制定防治措施提供依據。


human hydatid fluid - 人包蟲囊液

hydatid cyst; hydatidocystis - 包囊蟲腫物

echinococcus hydatid cyst - 包蟲

echinococcus cyst; hydatid cyst; hydatidocystis - 包蟲囊

hydatid sand - 包蟲囊沙

hydatid rash - 包蟲囊疹

hydatid cyst - 包蟲囊腫

hydatid fremitus; hydatid thrill - 包蟲囊震顫

echinococciasis; echinococcosis; hydatid disease - 包蟲病

hydatid of morgagni; hydatidofmorgagni - 卵巢冠囊狀附件

hydatid of morgagni; hydatidofmorgagni; morgagnis hydatid - 卵巢冠泡狀附件

hydatid disease; hydatidosis - 棘球蚴病

hydatid sand - 棘球蚴砂

hooklet of echinococcus; hooklet of hydatid cyst - 棘球蚴鉤

hydatid mole; hydatidmole; vesicular mole - 水泡狀胎塊

hydatid ovis - 羊包蟲

hydatid cyst of liver - 肝包蟲囊腫

alveoladr hydatid disease - 肝泡狀棘球蚴病

unilocular hydatid disease of liver - 肝細棘球蚴病

hydatid cyst of lung; pulmonary hydatid cyst - 肺包蟲囊腫

pulmonary echinococ cosis; pulmonary hydatid disease - 肺包蟲病

echinococcosis of brain; hydatid disease of brain - 腦棘球蚴病

bydatidiform mole; hydatid mole; hydatidmole - 良性葡萄胎

grape mole; hydatid mole; hydatidiform mole; hydatidiformmole; hydatidmole - 葡萄胎

hydatid pregnancy; molar pregnancy - 葡萄胎妊娠

ectopic hydatid mole - 葡萄胎異位

osseous echinocococosis; osseous hydatid disease - 骨包蟲病


n.肝泡狀棘球蚴病 - alveoladr hydatid disease

泡狀棘球囊,多房性棘球囊 - alveolar hydatid

泡狀棘球蚴病 - alveolar hydatid disease

n.包蟲 - echinococcus hydatid cyst

n.葡萄胎異位 - ectopic hydatid mole

n.棘球蚴鉤 - hooklet of hydatid cyst

n.人包蟲囊液 - human hydatid fluid

單基取代 - monosporangium hydatid

n.卵巢冠泡狀附件 - morgagnis hydatid

n.骨包蟲病 - osseous hydatid disease

部分葡萄胎 - partial hydatid mole

n.肺包蟲囊腫 - pulmonary hydatid cyst

n.肺包蟲病 - pulmonary hydatid disease

單房包蟲囊,單房包蟲 - unilocular hydatid

n.肝細棘球蚴病 - unilocular hydatid disease of liver

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