slapstick['slæpstik]n. 趣劇;低俗的鬧劇
slapstick 鬧劇;拍板;擊板;喧鬧又乏味的滑稽電影;slapstick comedy 鬧劇;低級喜劇;farce laughy slapstick 鬧劇;
1.The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick. 女性對故事和文字遊戲的反應比滑稽劇更強烈可以用來解釋這一發現。
2.I then professed the fall to have been deliberate – I could think of no joke with which to start my speech so had gone for slapstick instead. 接著我宣稱自己是故意摔倒的——因為我實在想不出什麼笑話來作開場白,所以自導自演了這一出鬧劇。
3.The character of Charlie the little man, the baggy - trousered bowler - hatted tramp, can be seen evolving behind the surface gagging , the energetic slapstick of the day. 透過那一時代表面上的插科打諢和強勁的滑稽動作,人們可以看到身穿燈籠褲、頭戴圓禮帽、踩著鴨子步的小市民查理的性格。