





n. radius ,rundle ,rung ,wheel spoke


spoke[spəuk]v. 說話(speak的過去分詞);為…裝輪輻n. 輪輻;剎車;扶梯棍


Spoke 鋼絲;輻條;輪幅;輪輻,車條;wheel spoke 輪輻;輪幅;spoke modulation 輻式調製;spoke sheave 輻條滑車滑輪;midship spoke 舵輪的上把柄上舵輪柄;舵輪的上把柄;正舵舵把;


1.She would listen to my chatter as if every word I spoke mattered. 她會聽我喋喋不休的講話,彷彿我說的都是重要的事。

2.He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. 他徵詢每個人的意見,但沒人能給他一個滿意的答覆。

3.Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. 然後,她也開始講,講她的遙遠的故鄉,她的童年時代,她的家庭。


I just spoke with Charley Rafer. - 我剛和Charley Rafer通了電話。

Mr. Stewart, I just spoke to Mr. Carlson. Stewart - 先生, 我剛剛與Carlson先生通了話。

I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn. - 對不起,我說錯話了。

He spoke in a German accent. - 他說話帶有德國腔調。

She never spoke about her private life. - 她從未談過她的私生活。

I asked him if he spoke English. - 我問他他是否說英語。

He said he spoke a little English. - 他說他會說一些英語。

Who spoke a while ago? - 剛才誰在講話?

The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English! He spoke German.He was a tourist. - 這人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英語!他講德語。他是個旅遊者。

Neither of us spoke during the journey. - 旅途中我們誰也沒講話。

I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. - 我的英語講得不但非常認真,而且咬字也非常清楚。

he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. - 他回答了,但他講得既不慢也不清楚。

Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. - 於是他說得慢了,可我還是聽不懂。

My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. - 我的老師從來不那樣講英語!我和搬運工相視一笑。

We offered them food and spoke to them kindly, but they remained motionless. - 我們給他們東西吃,客客氣氣地同他們交談,但他們卻一動也不動。

When a servant opened the door to fetch some wood, I spoke to her and persuaded her to let me in. - 一個僕人開門取柴火時,我和她說話,並說服她讓我進去。

Yes, but none of the banks I spoke to were interested. - 試過,但是,我去找過的銀行中沒有一家感興趣。

A week later, Mr Brain rang Zheng Jie and spoke to a friend of his. - 一周以後,佈雷恩先生打電話給鄭傑,接電話的是鄭傑的一位朋友。

When he returned to India he spoke in public about the situation in South Africa. - 當他加到印度之後,他還就南非的形勢公開發表演說。

When everyone had taken his/her place, the lawyer spoke as follows. - 當大家都入座以後,律師作了如下的發言

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