





n. suck ,sucking


suction['sʌkʃən]n. 吸;吸力;抽吸


suction 吸入;吸引;吸出;吸引器;suction fan 抽風機;吸風機;排氣機;排氣通風機;SUCTION VALVE 虹吸活門;吸水閥;吸入舉閥;進氣門;suction hose 吸入軟管;吸引軟管;抽吸膠管;吸水管;suction box 吸入箱;吸水箱;吸引箱;海底閥箱;


1.This speeding air creates a suction on the train, just like opening the window of a speeding car can suck out maps and paper. 這種高速的空氣在火車上創造了一個抽氣機,就像一輛高速行駛的汽車開著車窗能夠吸出地圖和紙張。

2.Adventure Island strange suction source. By the easy language. …! ~~ Suitable for novices are basically applicable to new source. 冒險島吸怪源代碼。由易語言編寫。適合新手…!~~基本上都是適用於新人的源碼。

3.The small suction pump compresses and expands the patient's chest more vigorously, reduces the risk of broken ribs and allows more blood to flow through the body. 這個小小的吸盤泵會以更猛烈的方式來壓縮及擴張患者的胸部,減少肋骨繼裂的危險,同時讓更多血液流經身體。


mastoid suction tube - 乳突吸引管

suction extraction - 內障吸出術

net positive suction pressure - 淨吸吮正壓力

suction nebulizer - 吸入噴霧器

suction main - 吸入總管

suction line - 吸入管線

suction valve - 吸入閥

suction chamber; suctionchamber - 吸室

suction curet - 吸引刮匙

suction apparatus - 吸引器

suction aspirator tip - 吸引器頭

suction bottle frame - 吸引器瓶架

aspiration drainage; suction drainage - 吸引導液法

suction shaft - 吸引開關

aspiraton drainage; suction drainage - 吸引引流法

suction bottle; suctionbottle - 吸引瓶

suction treatment - 吸引療法

sucker; suction tube; suctiontube - 吸引管

suction apparatus - 吸引裝置

suction button - 吸引鈕

suction forceps - 吸引鑷

cucurbitula; cup; cupping glass; cuppingglass; hemospast; suction cup; suctioncup - 吸杯

inspiratory volume; n. air suction amount - 吸氣量

suction filter - 吸濾器

filter flasd; suction bottle; suction flasd; suctionbottle - 吸濾瓶

suction bottle; suctionbottle - 吸漏瓶

skin suction box - 吸皮匣

lambda pipet; lambda pipette; suction tube; suctiontube - 吸管

n. suction strip feed - 吸管式進料

suction bell; suctionbell - 吸鍾

post-tussis suction sound - 咳後回吸音

out-door suction unit - 室外吸引裝置

tonsil suction dissector - 扁桃體手術用吸引剝離器

suction method - 抽吸法

n. suction casting process - 抽吸澆注法

suction tube; suctiontube - 抽濾管

neonate secretion suction apparatus - 新生兒分泌物吸引器

abortion suction unit - 流產吸引器

dry cup type uterine suction bottle - 火罐式吸宮瓶

vitreous body suction needle - 玻璃體吸引針

vireous infusion suction cutter - 玻璃體灌注吸出切割器

electric extractor; electric suction apparatus - 電動吸引器

n. suction strip feed - 真空吸力式板料送進裝置

absorption pipette; absorptionpipette; dropping pipet; measuring pipette; measuringpipette; suction pipette - 移液管

suction pump - 空吸泵

gastrointestinal suction catheter - 胃腸吸引管

brain suction tube - 腦吸引管

footpad suction unit - 腳踏吸引器

abdominal suction tube - 腹腔吸引管

n. suction conveyer - 虹吸傳送器


n.腹腔吸引管 - abdominal suction tube

n.流產吸引器 - abortion suction unit

羊水吸引綜合症 - amniotic fluid suction syndrome

n.腦吸引管 - brain suction tube

n.閉合式創口吸引 - closed wound suction

n.持續負壓吸引 - continuous negative pressure suction

持續吸引引流法,持續吸 - continuous suction drainage

n.連續吸引器 - contiunous suction unit

n.火罐式吸宮瓶 - dry cup type uterine suction bottle

n.電動吸引器 - electric suction apparatus

n.腳踏吸引器 - footpad suction unit

n.胃腸吸引管 - gastrointestinal suction catheter

n.乳突吸引管 - mastoid suction tube

n.新生兒分泌物吸引器 - neonate secretion suction apparatus

n.淨吸吮正壓力 - net positive suction pressure

n.室外吸引裝置 - out-door suction unit

n.咳後回吸音 - post-tussis suction sound

n.吸皮匣 - skin suction box

n.扁桃體手術用吸引剝離器 - tonsil suction dissector

n.負壓吸引 - vacuum suction

n.玻璃體灌注吸出切割器 - vireous infusion suction cutter

n.玻璃體吸引針 - vitreous body suction needle

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