Byzantiumn. 拜占庭(古羅馬城市,今稱伊斯坦布爾)
Byzantium 拜占庭;拜占廷;拜占庭帝國;到比散田;dark byzantium 紫灰色;Byzantium Empire 拜占庭帝國;Philo of Byzantium 由古希臘哲學家費羅;拜占廷人斐羅;省羅;Dictionary of Byzantium 牛津 拜占庭文化專門辭典》;
1.Yeats. "Sailing to Byzantium. " (download a version of this work from Project Gutenberg. 葉芝,〈航往拜占廷〉(從「古騰堡計劃〞網站下載本詩文本)
2.In 330, the Emperor Constantine had transferred the Empire's capital from Rome to the ancient Black Sea city of Byzantium , renamed Constantinople. 330年,皇帝君士坦丁把帝國首都從羅馬遷至古代的黑海城拜占庭,更名為君士坦丁堡。
3.The crusaders made their claim good in many parts of the empire, but in some sections the local Greek rulers considered themselves the legitimate successors of Byzantium. 十字軍在帝國許多地方實行統治,但是在一些地方,本地希臘人統治者將他們視為拜占庭合法的繼承者。