certificate of ship'certificate of ship'certificate of ship'certificate of Suez Canal 蘇伊士運河噸位證書;Sanitary Inspection Certificate or Certificate of Health 衛生檢驗證書;acceptance certificate 驗收證瞄;驗收合格證;驗收證書;驗收單;accountants certificate 查帳證明書;accreditation certificate 審定證書;審定證書 機電工程;
1.Special request: holder of Electricity Working Certificate and Electric Jointing Operation Certificate and Gas-fired Booster Operation Certificate. 特殊要求:持有有關部門頒發的電上崗證、電氣焊操作證、燃氣調壓站上崗操作證。
2.Prove the quality of the quality of such certificate, weight certificate, health certificate (health card) and so on. 這類品質證明有品質證、重量證、衛生證(健康證)等。
3.Marking a certificate as exportable is a higher security risk, however allows the certificate to be exported to a file for backup. 將證書標記為可導出存在較大的安全風險,但是可以將證書導出到文件中進行備份。
4.Contract, agreement, laws ®ulations, ordinances, articles of association, patent certificate, registered trademark certificate, etc. 合同、協議、法規、條例、公司章程、專利證書、註冊商標證書等。
5.The proposed certificate revocation schemes restrict algorithm performance because they fail to consider the differences between the probabilities of inquiring certificate. 在目前已經提出的證書廢除機制中,由於未考慮證書查詢概率之間的差異,限制了算法的性能。
Oh, here are my certificate of merit. - 哦,這裡是我的獲獎證書。
Does this come with a certificate of authenticity? - 這有鑒定證明嗎?
n.出生證 - birth certificate
n.死亡證明書 - death certificate
n.死亡證書 - deth certificate
n.健康證 - health certificate
n.體檢證,診斷書 - medical certificate
n.試驗檢定證書 - testing certificate