effluvia[i'fluvjə, i'flu:vjə]n. 臭氣(effluvium的複數);沒用的副產品
effluvia 臭氣;沒用的副產品;氣味,惡臭,廢料;廢料;
1.One inhales the effluvia of the great black void. 我們常會嗅到黑暗中太空的氣息。
2.At its farthest end, three glaciers meet to dump their effluvia into the milky grey glacial water, launching massive igloo icebergs into the lake with thunderous splashes. 在最遠的一端,三條冰河匯聚到一處,將碩大的冰塊注入奶白色的河流中,冰塊互相碰撞,水花四濺,形成令人歎為觀止的奇景。
3.I spent half an hour moving documents and effluvia around on my actual desktop in order to gain access to the wiring harness, and by the time I did, I guess I was just running on instinct. 我花了一個半小時移動文件和臭氣實際圍繞在我的桌面,以便獲取線束,並通過當時我沒有,我想我只是運行在本能。