





fallopiann. 法羅皮奧氏(管)


fallopian 法羅皮奧氏管;輸卵;fallopian tube 輸卵管, 喇叭管;排卵管;法類皮歐氏管;釋義:法婁皮歐(氏)管:輸卵管;fallopian valve 釋義:法婁皮歐(氏)瓣,回盲瓣;fallopian neuritis 釋義:法婁皮歐(氏)神經炎,骨管性面神經炎;Fallopian tubet 輸卵管;


1.Methods: 46 cases of primary fallopian tube carcinoma were analyzed in clinical and pathological features. 方法:分析46例原發性輸卵管癌的發病情況及臨床病理特點。

2.Objective:To study the feature of primary fallopian tube carcinoma and to improve the understanding for it. 目的研究原發性輸卵管癌的發病特點、診治情況,提高對原發性輸卵管癌的認識。

3.Objective: To study the feature of primary fallopian tube carcinoma and to improve the understanding of clinical gynecologists for it. 目的:研究原發性輸卵管癌的臨床特點,提高臨床醫生對原發性輸卵管癌的認識。


prolapse of ovary and fallopian tube - 卵巢輸卵管脫垂

primary carcinoma of fallopian tube - 原發性輸卵管癌

duplication of fallopian tubes - 雙輸卵管

postoperative absence of fallopian tube - 手術後輸卵管缺失

vaginal ligation of fallopian tubes - 經陰道輸卵管結紮術

fallopian tube; oviduct - 輸卵管

epithelial tumors of fallopian tube - 輸卵管上皮腫瘤

mesonepheroma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管中腎管瘤

mesonephric carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管中腎管癌

papillary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管乳頭狀腺癌

fimbriaend of fallopian tube - 輸卵管傘部

anastomosis of fallopian tube - 輸卵管吻合術

obstruction of fallopian tube; tuvbal obstruction - 輸卵管堵塞

endometriosis of fallopian tube - 輸卵管子宮內膜異位

endometrioid carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管子宮內膜樣癌

uterine orifice of fallopian tube - 輸卵管子宮口

uterine implantation of fallopian tube - 輸卵管子宮植入術

endometriosis of fallopian tube - 輸卵管子宮膜異位

cornual implantation of fallopian tube - 輸卵管宮角植入術

isthmus of fallopian tube; isthmus tubae uterinae - 輸卵管峽部

malignant tumor of fallopian tubes - 輸卵管惡性瘤

diverticulum of fallopian tube - 輸卵管憩室

obstuction of fallopian tube - 輸卵管梗阻

germ cell carcinoma fallopian tube; germ cell carcionma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管生殖細胞癌

carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管癌

empyema of fallopian tube; pyosalpinx - 輸卵管積膿

malignant mole of fallopian tube - 輸卵管管惡性葡萄胎

chorioepithelioma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管絨毛厝上皮癌

choriocarcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管絨毛膜癌

chorioadenoma of fallopian tube; invasive mole of fallopian tube - 輸卵管絨毛膜腺瘤

ligation of fallopian tubes; ligation of oviduct; tubal ligation - 輸卵管結紮

tuberdulosis of fallopian tubes - 輸卵管結核

lgation of fallopian tubes; tubosterilzation - 輸卵管絕育術

absence of fallopian tube - 輸卵管缺失

sarcoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管肉瘤

tumor of fallopian tube - 輸卵管腫瘤

adenomatoid tumor of fallopian tube - 輸卵管腺瘤樣瘤

adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管腺癌

mole of fallopian tube - 輸卵管葡萄胎

metastatic carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管轉移癌

interstitial portion of the tube; intramural portion of fallopian tube - 輸卵管間質部

granulosa cell carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管顆粒細胞癌


n.輸卵管缺失 - absence of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管腺瘤樣瘤 - adenomatoid tumor of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管吻合術 - anastomosis of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管癌 - carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管絨毛膜腺瘤 - chorioadenoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管絨毛膜癌 - choriocarcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管絨毛厝上皮癌 - chorioepithelioma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管宮角植入術 - cornual implantation of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管憩室 - diverticulum of fallopian tube

n.雙輸卵管 - duplication of fallopian tubes

n.輸卵管積膿 - empyema of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管子宮內膜樣癌 - endometrioid carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管子宮膜異位,輸卵管子宮內膜異位 - endometriosis of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管上皮腫瘤 - epithelial tumors of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管傘部 - fimbriaend of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管生殖細胞癌 - germ cell carcinoma fallopian tube

n.輸卵管生殖細胞癌 - germ cell carcionma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管顆粒細胞癌 - granulosa cell carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管間質部 - intramural portion of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管絨毛膜腺瘤 - invasive mole of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管峽部 - isthmus of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管絕育術 - lgation of fallopian tubes

n.輸卵管結紮 - ligation of fallopian tubes

n.輸卵管管惡性葡萄胎 - malignant mole of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管惡性瘤 - malignant tumor of fallopian tubes

n.輸卵管中腎管瘤 - mesonepheroma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管中腎管癌 - mesonephric carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管轉移癌 - metastatic carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管葡萄胎 - mole of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管堵塞 - obstruction of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管梗阻 - obstuction of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管乳頭狀腺癌 - papillary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube

n.手術後輸卵管缺失 - postoperative absence of fallopian tube

n.原發性輸卵管癌 - primary carcinoma of fallopian tube

n.卵巢輸卵管脫垂 - prolapse of ovary and fallopian tube

n.輸卵管肉瘤 - sarcoma of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管結核 - tuberdulosis of fallopian tubes

n.輸卵管腫瘤 - tumor of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管子宮植入術 - uterine implantation of fallopian tube

n.輸卵管子宮口 - uterine orifice of fallopian tube

n.經陰道輸卵管結紮術 - vaginal ligation of fallopian tubes

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