armoringn. 裝甲;武器v. 穿盔甲;提供防禦(armor的ing形式)
armoring 鎧裝;裝甲;鎧裝裝甲;機身包膠;light armoring 輕鎧裝甲;輕裝甲;輕裝甲(電);輕鎧裝;open armoring 敞式鎧裝;flexible armoring 可曲鎧裝;軟鎧裝;wire armoring 鋼絲鎧裝;
1.In the choice to dissolve the armoring, the capacity to love again can be restored. 在選擇溶解裝甲中,愛的能力能再次被恢復。
2.Resentment and grudges create armoring in the heart region of the field that creates stuck points where the energy cannot move or flow. 不滿和吝嗇在能量場的心輪部位製造裝甲,那裡的能量不能移動和運轉,就製造了阻塞點。
3.Each level of vibration ascended into will have another layer of armoring around the heart and in the field that one could not perceive before. 提升所到的每個振動水平都將會到達包裹心臟的另一層盔甲以及你可能以前未曾察覺的場中。