





Next[nekst]adv. 然後;下次;其次adj. 下一個的;其次的;貼近的n. 下一個prep. 靠近;居於…之後


Next 下一位!;近端串擾;下一步;下一個;next year 明年;下一年;來年;明天;next code 後續編碼;Next Week 下周;下星期;下個星期;下一周;next morning 第二天早晨;明天早晨;翌早晨;


1.We plan to play basketball next week. 我們計劃下個星期去打籃球。

2.Sure. Turn left at the next crossing. 當然。下一個十字路口向左轉。

3.Please preview the text before next class. 下次來上課之前請預習課文。


It's next week from this Monday. - 下個星期一。

It doesn't matter. Let's wait until the next time. - 沒關係。下次還有機會。

You pay there. I have the next group to go down. I'll see you soon then. - 你在那兒付錢。我帶的下一個團就是要下去的。回見!

What are you looking for in your next job? - 你希望在你的下一份工作內得到什麼?

I've put an X next to the place where you should sign. - 我已在你該簽名的地方後面標示了X。

Well, maybe you could come next week sometime. - 那樣的話,也許你可以在下個星期的某個時候來。

Maybe you could come over next time. Good luck. - 那也許下回你們可以來。祝你好運!

All right, but I'm buying next time. - 好吧,不過下回我付錢。

Her next book will come out later this month. The name of the book is The Death of a Housewife. - 她的下一本書這個月晚些時候出版,書名是《家庭主婦之死》。

(looking at his calendar) Oh, next Friday is May 4th. - (正在看著日曆)哦,下週五是五月四號了。

When does the next train leave for New York? - 到紐約的下一趟火車什麼時候開車?

A man next to me was smoking,and smoke really bothers me. - 我旁邊的那個人抽煙,我受不了。

John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month. - 下個月John和我將慶祝我們的結婚四十年紀念。

When's the next class? - 下一次上課什麼時候?

Thank you, everyone. See you next week. - 謝謝大家。下星期見。

Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend. - 也許下個週末我們可以一起玩玩。

How about next Saturday? - 下週六如何?

to talk to someone at the bank next week. - 下星期與銀行的人談一談。

I'll tell you the time and date of the next TOPS meeting. - 我要告訴你 TOPS下次聚會的時間。

Sure. You take the next left turn. - 當然。你在下一個路口左轉。

I take the next left turn to the stop sign. - 我在下個路口左轉彎, 到一個停車再開標誌處,

The election's next month. - 選舉就在下個月。

You'll have another chance next election. - 下次選舉時, 還有機會。

You ready for the next problem? - 你準備好做下一道題了嗎?

The Jones next door just bought a yacht, we might have to see about financing one ourselves. - 隔壁的瓊斯一家剛買了遊艇,我們也該弄一條。

What are you doing next week? - 下周你幹什麼?

I suppose I can finish the project next year. - 我想我明年完成此工程。

My final exam is next Tuesday. - 期終考就在下週二。

to open the building for us on the next four weekends. - 在往後四個週末開放那座建築。

It's in the right-hand drawer, next to the bottle openers. - 在右邊的抽屜, 就在開瓶器旁邊。

Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. - 就在這裡 。在冰袋旁邊。這兒。

And next time we'll bring Michelle. - 下次我們要帶Michelle來。

And next time we'll bring Michelle. - 下次我們帶Michelle來。

The next thing they'll see is this enlargement with the words Family Album, - 他們接著看到的是U.S.A. Family Album, U.S.A.這幾個放大的字。

You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. - 你或許是第二個Ansel Adams而不自知呢。

Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard - 我相信你的下一本書會成功。

What are the chances of my getting on the next flight? - 我登上下一次航班的可能性有多大?

I'll be in town next week, maybe you could fit me in. - 我下個禮拜會在城裡,也許你能安排時間見我。

Well, it was great to see you again. Let's not wait this long next time. - 可以再見到你真是太好了,希望我們下次見面不用等這麼久。

Well, anyway, if you have time next week, we can go then instead. - 不管怎樣,如果下周你有時間,我們也可以下周才去。

Seeing as you are all so tired, we'll finish this lesson next time. - 考慮到現在你們都很累了,這課我們下次接著講吧。

Let me foot the bill tonight. Maybe you can treat me next time. - 今晚讓我付賬吧,也許下次你請客。

She takes her exams next week, so she's burning the midnight oil. - 她下周要考試,所以在開夜車。

He won't come until next week. - 他下星期才會來。

I've got three days off next week. - 下星期我有三天假。

By this time next week we shall be in London. - 下星期的這個時間我們將在倫敦。

Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith. - 謝謝你告訴我你下同週三將到達達鎮上並希望與史密斯夫人討論有關印刷服務問題。

The minister has indicated that he may resign next year. - 該大臣已經示意他明年可能會辭職。

But next time, please ask me in advance to make a speech. - 不過下一次請事先通知我一聲要做演講喔。

I'll have studied English for four years next March. - 到明年三月,我就學了四年的英語了。[將來完成時,表示將完成…,會做完…]


Cone for further consultation next week - 下周來複診

next to kin - 最近的親屬


n.下周來複診 - Cone for further consultation next week

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