





a. alimental ,alimentary ,nutrient ,nutritious


nourishing['nʌriʃiŋ, 'nə:-]adj. 有營養的;滋養多的v. 滋養;養育(nourish的ing形式)


nourishing 有營養的;有營養的、滋養多的;滋養的;富於營養的;blood nourishing 血主濡之;nourishing diet 滋補飲食;釋義:滋補食物,滋補膳食;nourishing cream 營養霜;潤膚霜;diet nourishing 滋補飲食;


1.On the world most what is nourishing fruit? ? 世上最有營養的水果是什麼??

2.Our Gentle Prenatal Blend of nourishing botanicals, traditionally used during pregnancy, including fresh ginger juice to protect against stomach upset. 我們去產前交融滋養植物,傳統上用於在懷孕期間,包括新鮮的生薑汁,以防腸胃不適。

3.The farming system is a comprehensive technology system about cropping system and nourishing system according to the cropping system in a region or production unit. 其中耕作制度是研究一個地區或生產單位的農作物種植制度與之相適應的養地制度的綜合技術體系;


nourishing yin; nourishingyin - 養

nourishing the heart; nourishing the heat - 養心

nourishing the mouscle and tendon; nourishing the muscle and tendon - 養筋

nourishing the liver - 養肝

nourishing the liver to impove visul acuity; nourishing the liver to improve visual acuity - 養肝明目

nourishing the lung - 養肺

nourishing the lung and the kidney; nourishing the lung ang the kidney; nourishingthelungandthekidney - 養肺滋腎

nourishing the stomach - 養胃

nourishing the stomach-yin - 養胃陰

nourishing the fetus - 養胎

enrichingthe blood; help building blood; nourishing the blood - 養血

nourishing the blood to stop wind - 養血熄風

nourishing yin; nourishingyin - 養陰

nourishing yin and stopping bleeding - 養陰止血

the school of nourishing the essence - 養陰派

nourishing yin to mositen dryness - 養陰潤燥

nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat - 養陰清肺

syrup for nourishing yin and clesting lung-heat - 養陰清肺糖漿

nourishing yin and supplementing the kidney - 養陰補腎

nourishing yin and relieving superfiies-syndrome - 養陰解表

nourishing the bone - 養骨

nourishing the liver - 柔肝

nourish the liver to relieve pain; nourishing the liver to relieve pain - 柔肝止痛

nourishing the lung to arrest cough - 潤肺上咳

nourishing the lung to loosen bowel - 潤肺滑腸

nourishing the liver and kidney - 滋養肝腎

nourishing the stomach-yin - 滋養胃陰

nourishing the middle-jiao; tonifying the stomach and spleen - 滋養補中

nourishing the liver and kidney - 滋水涵木

nourishing and moistening - 滋潤

nourishing the lung and the kidney; nourishingthelungandthekidney - 滋肺補腎

nourishing the kidney - 滋腎

nourishing the kidney and the liver - 滋腎養肝

nourishing blood and invigorating qi - 滋補氣血

medicine for nourishing blood and invigorating qi - 滋補氣血藥

nourishing the lung and the kidney; nourishingthelungandthekidney - 滋補肺腎

nourishing yin to promote diuresis - 滋陰利水

nouishing yin school; nourishing yin school - 滋陰派

nourishing yin and moisturizing the lung; nourishing yin and noisturizing the lung - 滋陰潤肺

nourishing yin and suppressing hyperactive yang - 滋陰潛陽

nourish yin to calm the wind; nourishing yin to calm the wind - 滋陰熄風

nourishing yin an supplementing blood; nourishing yin and supplementing blood - 滋陰補血

nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire - 滋陰降火

supplementing qi and nourishing yin - 益氣養陰

nourishing yin; nourishingyin - 育陰

nourishing yin and suppressing the excessive yang - 育陰潛陽

invigorating substances; nourishing and invigorating substances; nourishing substances; tonic; tonic substances - 補品

tonifying and nourishing yin - 補陰

invigorating the liver and kidney; nourishing the liver and the kidney; psoralea fruit - 補骨脂


n.養心的 - heart nourishing

n.滋補氣血藥 - medicine for nourishing blood and invigorating qi

n.益氣養陰 - supplementing qi and nourishing yin

n.養陰清肺糖漿 - syrup for nourishing yin and clesting lung-heat

n.養陰派 - the school of nourishing the essence

n.補陰 - tonifying and nourishing yin

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