scrimmaging['skrimidʒ]n. 混戰;並列爭球vt. 並列爭球vi. 混戰
1.Center Chris Mihm did some half-court scrimmaging at Thursday's practice but is not expected to play tonight. 中鋒克裡斯-米姆在週四的訓練中練習了半場爭球,但他今晚不會上場。
2.Both men and women's basketball teams will make their season debuts at Late Night, scrimmaging and performing skits. 男子和女子籃球隊都會在「晚場」上完成賽季首發,爭球和表演「雜技」。
3.Ron Artest and Tracy McGrady both took part in the Rockets' practice on Wednesday, but practice was limited to walking through sets and "five-on-zero" drills with no scrimmaging. 阿泰和麥迪週三都參加了火箭隊的訓練(疑惑中,費根老糊塗了?應該是美國時間週二吧,週三還沒到呢),但是訓練只限於戰術演練和「五對零」訓練,沒有對抗訓練。