





v. coat ,come on ,come up ,risen. aerofoil ,control surface ,earth's surface ,opena. skin-deep ,superficial


a. overhead ,subsurface


surface['sə:fis]n. 表面;表層;外觀adj. 表面的,膚淺的vi. 浮出水面vt. 使浮出水面;使成平面


surface 表面;面;表面編輯;表面生成修改器;surface plate 平面板;正台;平板;劃線板,平台(板);equipotential surface 等勢面;等位面;等勢面,等位面;等位能面;Surface waters 地表水;heating surface 受熱面;加熱面;加熱表面;加熱面積;


1.The rocks were surfaced from the deep cave. 從深洞裡挖出的岩石被送到了地面。

2.Why are hearts of some person surface adamancy flimsy however? 為什麼有的人表面堅強內心卻是脆弱的?

3.As a result the texture appears equally over the entire surface. 作為一個結果,紋理均等地出現在整個表面上。


Most of the earth's surface is covered by water. - 大部分的地球表面被水覆蓋著。

If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives. - 如果不把他們盡快救到地面上來,他們就有可能喪生。

Above the surface of the water, the towers rise to a height of nearly 700 feet. - 塔身高出水面將近700英尺。

Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest. - 但沒發現什麼值錢的東西,不過打撈出來的眾多的物品還是引起了大家極大的興趣。

The dish rose to the surface and was gently drawn towards the canal bank. - 盤子慢慢浮出水面,被輕輕地拽向運河岸邊。

When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. - 當確定鑽孔地點後,我們就在那裡豎起一個井架。

Once we get down to the oil, it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, - 一旦到達油層,石油就會由於地下巨大的壓力流到地面上來,

One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane. - 一隻小海豚特別喜歡用鼻子把海龜推到水面,然後像滑水板一樣把海龜從水池的這一邊推到那一邊。

Apparently what happened was that water collected on these tar pits, and the bigger animals like the elephants ventured out on to the apparently firm surface to drink, and were promptly bogged in the tar. - 瀝青坑裡積存了水,大象那樣的大動物冒險到似乎堅固的水面上去飲水,立即掉進了瀝青坑。

As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed. - 作為一個船舶技帥,科克雷爾在尋找解決波浪阻力的方法,因為波浪阻力浪費掉了船在水面行駛的大量動力,從而限制了船的速度。

Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. - 100年前,我們只知道海洋是二維平面形的,以及靠近陸地淺水區的深淺不一能給航行帶來危險。

it requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth's surface into orbit! - 因此,從月球到地球的25萬英里所消耗的能量要比從地球表面進入地球軌道的200英里所耗能量少97%。

Because the gravity on the Moon's surface is only a sixth of Earth's - 由於月球表面的重力僅是地球表面的1/6-

An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit, - 穿過深水的海浪使水面上的一個微粒按照一種近乎圓形的軌道移動,

gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain. - 地球引力是持續不斷企圖使海面復原為平面的力量。

is the slowest and has travelled round the earth through the surface rocks. - 是最慢的,是圍繞地球通過表面岩石傳來的。

OK. We can get some more tomorrow. We should finish the floor now. Can you take the other end of this piece of wood? Now you have to pull it to make the surface smooth like that. - 好吧。我們明天再多買些。現在我們應該把地板弄好。你能抓住木板的另一端嗎?現在你要來回拉動木板,使它的表面像那塊兒木板一樣光滑。

This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round. - 因為地球表面不是平的,而是圓的。

To his astonishment, the bee began to perform a dance on the surface of the honeycomb. - 馮·弗裡施就透過玻璃進行觀察。


amphoteric surface active agent - 兩性表面活性劑

hepatitis b surface antibody - 乙型肝炎表面抗體

hepatitis b surface antigen; hepatitisbsurfaceantigen; nepatitis b surface antigen - 乙型肝炎表面抗原

hepatitis b surface antigen radiommunoassay - 乙型肝炎表面抗原放射免疫測定

in vitro counting; surface counting - 體外計數

surface antigen - 體表抗原

body surface radioactivity - 體表放射性

body surface temperature - 體表溫度

body surface potential - 體表電位

surface vaporization - 體表蒸發

surface anatomy - 體表解剖學

body surface dountihng - 體表計數

surface hypothermia - 體表降溫

bldy surface area; surfacearea - 體表面積

surface area;weight - 體表面積/體重

surface area nomogram - 體表面積列線圖

molal surface energy - 克分子表面能

surface technique for immunoquantition - 免疫定量表面技術

n. inner surface bending method - 內部表面彎曲法

striking surface of weapon - 凶器打擊面

molecular surface energy - 分子表面能

n. surface of cut end - 切端表

surface of wound - 創面

n. work hardened surface layer - 加工硬化表面層

n. chemical surface hardening - 化學的表面硬化法

bloody blister on the upper surface of the ongue; bloody blister on the upper surface of the tongue - 捲簾疔

n. chemical surface hardening - 化學表面硬化

per unit body surface area - 單位體表面積

smiths surface antigen - 史密斯表面抗原

n. expulsion and surface flash - 噴濺和表面毛刺

consolidating superficial resistance; maintain the integrity of the body surface; strengthening the body surface resistance - 固表

n. cylindrical surface echo - 圓柱形表面回波

n. cylindrical surface echo - 圓柱面回波

surface water - 地表水

n. surface ground fall - 地表面下陷

n. surface relief - 地表面起伏

surface water - 地面水

surface water hygiene; surface water sanitation - 地面水衛生

hygienic requirement for surface water - 地面水水質衛生要求

land surface burst; sruface burst - 地面爆炸

meningioma of the convex surface of brain - 大腦類凸面腦膜瘤

left surface of ventricular septum - 室間隔左室面

surface anesthesia of urethra - 尿道表面麻醉

flat surface transducer - 平面型探頭

n. surface grinding - 平面研磨

smooth surface caries - 平滑面齲

n. surface to be coated - 待塗敷表面

facies pulmonalis cordis; pulmonary surface of heart - 心肺面

total body surface area - 總體表面積

constant surface method - 恆定表面法


n.有粘液的表面 - a mucous surface

n.牙面酸處理 - acid etching of tooth surface

鎖骨肩峰關節面 - acromial articular surface of clavicle

n.有效表面 - active surface

n.兩性表面活性劑 - amphoteric surface active agent

肺泡表面張力 - alveolar surface tension

n.陰離子表面活化劑 - anionic surface active agent

n.前關節面 - anterior articular surface

齒狀突前關節面 - anterior articular surface of dens

n.臂前區 - anterior brachial region surface

n.前跟關節面 - anterior calcanean articular surface

n.小腿前區 - anterior crural region surface

n.前面 - anterior surface

n.晶狀體前面 - anterior surface of lens

上頜骨前面 - anterior surface of maxilla

n.前外側面 - anterolateral surface

n.抗乙型肝炎表面抗體 - anti-hepatitis b surface antibody

n.關節面 - articular surface

n.舟關節面 - articular surface for navicular bone

n.肩峰關節面 - articular surface of acromion

n.肋頭關節面 - articular surface of head of rib

髕骨關節面 - articular surface of patella

耳狀面 - auricular surface

髂骨耳狀面 - auricular surface of ilium

骶關節面 - auricular surface of sacrum

n.軸面 - axial surface

平衡咬合面 - balancing occlusal surface

n.基底面 - basal surface

n.體表面積 - bldy surface area

n.捲簾疔 - bloody blister on the upper surface of the ongue

n.捲簾疔 - bloody blister on the upper surface of the tongue

n.體表 - body surface

體表面積 - body surface area

體表計數 - body surface counting

n.體表計數 - body surface dountihng

n.體表電位 - body surface potential

n.體表放射性 - body surface radioactivity

n.體表溫度 - body surface temperature

界面 - boundary surface

頰面 - buccal surface

距跟關節面,距骨跟骨關節面 - calcaneal articular surface of talus

石狀體尾部癌 - cancer of posterior surface of petrous part

n.腕關節面 - carpal articular surface

橈骨腕關節面 - carpal articular surface of radius

n.接觸面 - catalct surface

n.催化劑表面 - catalyst surface

n.細胞表面,細胞表面受體 - cell surface

n.細胞表面抗原 - cell surface antigen

n.細胞表面調節裝置 - cell surface modulation assembly

n.細胞表面蛋白 - cell surface protein

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