n. console ,locker ,storage locker
Cabinet['kæbinit]n. 內閣;櫥櫃;展覽藝術品的小陳列室adj. 內閣的;私下的,秘密的
cabinet 櫥櫃;儲藏櫃;陳列櫃;儲物櫃;caretaker cabinet 看守政府,看守內閣,過渡政府;過渡時期的內閣;看守政府, 看守內閣,過渡政府;看守政府,看守內閣,過渡政府;corner cabinet 壁角櫥;角櫃;牆角櫃;轉角櫃;bedside cabinet 床頭櫃;床邊綢;釋義:床邊櫃;床頭櫃:;cabinet lineup 內閣陣容;內閣成員;詬笳筧;
1.This is because the British cabinet is a committee of the Houses of Parliament. 因為英國的內閣是一個議會委員會,委員會成員人人平等。
2.Introduced the structure of foam mold of the display cabinet, the mold structure and working principle. 介紹一種展示櫃發泡模具結構,分析了模具結構特點及工作原理。
3.We want to buy Cabinet, Wall Cabinet, Table, Chair, Shelf, Bookcase, Basket Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures. 我們要採購內閣,牆櫃,桌子,椅子,貨架,書架,籃子,傢俱,傢俱配件及固定裝置。
it's in the cabinet with the salt and pepper. - 應該跟鹽和胡椒一起放在櫥櫃 。
n. humidity cabinet test - 在人工模擬的高濕氣候條件下的試驗
n. humidity cabinet test by coat-application - 外層塗敷的高溫度試驗室試驗
n. humidity cabinet test by coat-application - 塗布潤濕試驗
cabinet respirator - 箱式呼吸器
n. humidity cabinet test - 高溫試驗室內進行的試驗
n.麻醉藥保險櫃 - anesthetic cabinet
n.無菌操作櫃 - aseptic manipulation cabinet
n.浴箱 - bath cabinet
n.生物發酵室 - biological fermentation cabinet
n.病史櫃 - clinical chart cabinet
n.減壓箱 - decompression cabinet
n.乾燥烘箱,乾燥箱 - drying cabinet
n.心電圖資料櫃 - electrocardiogram data cabinet
n.生物發酵室 - fermentation cabinet
n.膠片貯櫃 - film cabinet
n.濕度箱 - humidity cabinet
n.高壓室 - hyperbaric cabinet
n.器械櫥 - instrument cabinet
n.醫用櫥 - medical cabinet
n.醫療圖表櫃 - medical chart cabinet
n.光熱箱 - photothermal cabinet
n.氣療箱 - pneumatic cabinet
安全櫃 - safety cabinet
n.無菌操作櫃 - sterile cabinet
n.染毒櫃 - toxicant exposure cabinet