enfieldn. 埃菲爾德式步槍;恩菲爾德
Enfield 恩菲特;埃菲爾德;Royal Enfield 皇家恩菲爾德;皇家埃菲爾德;Lee Enfield 恩菲爾德;Harry Enfield 哈利·恩菲;哈里 恩菲爾德;Bruno Enfield 布魯諾-恩菲爾德;
1.DON'T come into Anfield wearing a jester hat, Harry Enfield Scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete *. 不要帶著一頂小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假髮或其他不合適的頭飾入場,使你看起來像個傻瓜一樣。
2.It was delivered to a congregation in Enfield, Connecticut, in 1741, and it is said to have caused listeners to rise from their seats in a state of hysteria. 這篇布道辭發佈於1741年,聽眾是克奈克提卡特的恩菲爾德的清教會眾。據說他的聽眾在聽到這篇布道時,在一種歇斯底里的狀態中紛紛從座位上站了起來。
3.The basic individual weapon was represented with Lee-Enfield rifles or Sten machine pistols. The officers were provided with Colt or Browning pistols or Webley or Enfield revolvers. 基本的單兵武器是李--恩費爾德步槍或者斯特恩衝鋒鎗。軍官裝備科爾特或者勃朗寧手槍,或者維佈雷或者恩費爾德左輪手槍。