abasvt. 打倒n. 諾謨圖
abas 諾謨圖;打倒;亞洲品牌測評體系專家系統委員會;亞洲品牌測評體系;Salleh Abas 沙烈阿巴斯;沙列阿巴斯;Abazafree Mohd Abas 主控官阿巴查菲;Azmil Muntapha Abas 推事阿茲米爾慕達法;推事阿茲米爾;Syed Jan Abas 阿巴斯;
1.Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular. 飛瀑如珠璣萬斛直落九天,蔚為壯觀。
2.Each word in the poem like brand Abas left traces in history, his feet firmly set foot on the pace of the rhythm is my definition of a poem. 詩裡的字字珠璣會像烙印在歷史留下痕跡,雙腳踏上堅定步伐是我對詩句節奏的定義。
3.The holes in the limestone caverns, a width of 30 meters, 180 meters long, on-Wan Xia, inside stream Congcong, Zhongru hoisted, the Shuiluo Abas. 該洞系石灰岩溶洞,高、寬約30米,長約180米,上彎下平,洞內溪水淙淙,鐘乳懸掛,水落珠璣。