leaguer['li:ɡə]n. [古]圍攻;盟員vt. 圍攻
leaguer 盟員;圍攻;成員;leaguer member 成員;Big Leaguer 大聯盟;Texas Leaguer 德州安打(三不管);將球擊出正巧落在內野與外野之間的安打;Iron leaguer 鋼鐵競技人;疾風戰士;
1.Ltd; Assistant President of Tsinghua University, Executive Vice Dean of RITS, Chairman of Leaguer Stock Co. , Ltd. 現任清華大學校長助理、深圳清華大學研究院常務副院長、珠海力合股份有限公司董事長等職。
2.Most of the designs are the leading innovation of the products in the industry, and many domestic and international patents were authorized to TH Leaguer. 產品不斷設計創意,推陳出新,引領設計潮流,並取得國內外各種專利發明證書。
3.Rome Braves manager Randy Ingle wasn't having a good day. The minor leaguer got ejected during a game with the Augusta GreenJackets into a major lead beat. 羅馬勇士隊經理蘭迪·英格爾很沮喪。小聯盟隊在和奧古斯塔綠夾克隊的比賽中被驅逐出局,而無緣總決賽。