snowbound['snəubaund]adj. 被雪困住的;被雪封住的
snowbound 被雪困住的;被雪包圍住的;聖誕夜:雪困歸途;創世紀合唱;
1.Returning to his gloomy snowbound field headquarters he had to face some nasty facts. 他回到黑暗陰鬱、冰天雪地的戰地司令部裡,不得不面對一些棘手的事情。
2.In my hometown in the north, this was the month when rivers were frozen over and mountains snowbound. But spring comes early to Yunnan, urging the flowers to bloom. 我是北方人,論季節,北方也許正是攪天風雪,水瘦山寒,雲南的春天卻腳步兒勤,來得快,到處早像催生婆似的正在催動花事。
3.In my hometown in the north, this was the month when rivers were frozen over and mountains snowbound . But spring comes early to Yunnan, urging the flowers to bloom. 我是北方人,論季節,北方也許正是攪天風雪,水瘦山寒,雲南的春天卻腳步兒勤,來得快,到處早像催生婆似的正在催動花事。