





a. comely ,comme il faut ,decent ,decorous


becoming[bi'kʌmiŋ]adj. 合適的,適當的n. (變化過程的)形成,發生


becoming 適合;合適的;成長;成為;BECOMING BUTTERFLY 化蝶;becoming other 變成他者;Becoming independent 學會獨立生活;Becoming Fragrant 百化成香;


1.I need to brush up on my spelling before becoming a writer. 在變成作家之前,我需要複習一下我的拼寫能力。

2.You can overcome that by becoming mindful of what is happening. 通過留心正在發生的事,你可以克服這個毛病。

3.Try to have fun in everything you do. Happiness begins with a smile. And becoming what you want starts with doing it! 試著在做事情的時候尋找多一點的樂趣。快樂從一個微笑開始。也從你做你想做的事情開始!


We're very pleased that you are considering becoming a distributor of our company. - 我們非常高興你們正在考慮成為我們的批發商。

maybe you should think about becoming a writer. - 也許你應考慮成為一名作家。

Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? - 好, 你是否想過成為一名新聞從業人員?

and becoming part of the Stewart family, too. - 而且成為Stewart家庭的一份子。

Fitness clubs are becoming more popular these days. - 現在健身房越來越流行了。

Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse. - 當前美國與我國間的貿易不平衡問題正日益惡化。

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician? - 你曾經想過要成為職業音樂家嗎?

Would you ever have imagined him becoming a politician? - 你想過他能當上政治家嗎?

We're becoming a good band. - 咱們會逐漸成為一支出色的樂隊。

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician? - 你曾經考慮了成為一個職業的音樂家嗎?

Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. - 電子計算機正漸漸成為我們日常生活的一部分。

Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. - 許多人常常情願放棄較高的薪水以換取做白領工人的殊榮,此乃人之常情。

Instead of becoming a doctor, however, he became a successful writer of detective stories. - 然而,他後來沒當上醫生,卻成了一位成功的偵探小說作家。

So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour. - 現在我們自己動手做事的熱情很高,結果對於專業工人的依賴越來越少了。

Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. - 為什麼進步這個概念在現代世界顯得如此突出?無疑是因為有一種特殊的進步實際上正在我們周圍發生,而且變得越來越明顯。

of becoming more likely to die the older we get, was something self-evident, - 人隨著年齡的增長而接近死亡,這是不言而喻的,

It is becoming harder and harder to find a job. - 現在找工作是越來越難了。

Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries now understand each other better. - 由於有了宇宙衛星,世界在變得小多了,來自不同國家的人現在彼此更瞭解了。

Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener. First, take turns to listen. Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group. Listen without interrupting, and stop others from interrupting. Then it will be someone else's turn. That wa - 我們還可以對怎樣作個好的傾聽者提出幾點意見。第一,輪流地聽。當你們在一起時,不要同時爭著說話。聽的時候不要打斷人家的講話,還要阻止別人插話。然後再輪到另外的人講話。這樣,每個人都有說話的機會,也有人家恭聽你說話的機會。


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