thriftier['θrifti]adj.thrifty的變形adj. 節約的,節儉的,儉省的;經濟的繁茂的,茂盛的,生長旺盛的繁榮的,興旺的;成功的變形: thriftier , thriftiest
1.Pay rightly should be part of that discussion: banks with risky pay structures need more capital than thriftier ones. 合理薪資應該是討論的部分內容:薪酬結構有風險的銀行不是不缺資金,而是需要更多資金。
2.Pay rightly should be part of that discussion: banks with risky pay structures need more capital than thriftier ones. 正確付酬應該是討論的一部分:實行高風險薪酬結構的銀行比節儉的銀行需要更多資本。
3.Most important, even if Americans become thriftier, soaring public debt may crowd out private investment more than in Japan, which, unlike America, is a creditor country. 最重要的是,縱使美國人變得節儉,暴增的公債或會把私人投資擠出,而在日本情況會好的多,因為日本與美國不同,是個債權國家。