





heard[hə:d]v. 聽到(hear的過去式和過去分詞);聞知


heard 聽到;發愁的;聽說;聽見;John Heard 約翰·赫德;HRD Heard 聽到;Geoffrey Heard 格奧福瑞·赫德;Georey Heard 格奧福瑞·赫德;


1.I heard a girl singing next door. 我聽到隔壁一個女孩在唱歌。

2.The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine. 他聽到的唯一的聲音就是那台機器的嗡嗡聲。

3.But then the ground control heard the voices of the astronauts. 但是當時地面控制中心聽到了宇航員的聲音。


You probably heard about it. We have private teachers in our holiday. - 或許你已經聽說過。我們交大的學生在假期間做家教。

I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true? - 我聽說有的旅遊團真正下到峽谷裡去了。那是真的嗎?

It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Green. I've heard so much about you. - 格林太太,我也很高興見到您。早就聽說過您。

So I heard you're going to get married. Congratulations! - 聽說你快要結婚了,恭喜!

I've heard the weather here is ideal, just like spring most of year. - 我聽說這兒的天氣很理想,四季如春。

I heard that you get vitamin D from sunshine, and that you soak it like a sponge. - 我聽說人們像海綿一樣從陽光中攝入維生素D。

Hello, I'm glad to meet you. I've heard so much about you. - 你好, 很高興見到你。 久仰, 久仰。

I heard you cheated on your exams. - 我聽說你考試作弊了。

I heard the professor of that class is very good. - 我聽說那個班的教授很好。

I woke up when I heard someone speak. - 一聽到有人說話我就醒了。

I've heard a lot about you, sir. Now I finally have the chance to meet you in person. - 先生,久仰大名,現在終於讓我親自見到你了。

I know. I heard you talking about it - 我知道。我聽到你們談論的那件事了,

I've heard so much about you. - 我知道很多關於你的事兒。

Have you heard the latest? - 你聽說那條最新消息了嗎?

I've never heard such a pile of crap in my life! - 我這輩子從來沒聽過如此胡說八道!

We were all sorry when we heard that your brother had had an accident. - 我對你弟弟的意外感到遺憾。

I heard through the grapevine that the minister is going to resign. - 我聽到小道消息,首相將辭職。

Who ever heard of a pet goat? - 有誰聽過寵物羊的啊?

I heard a lot of shouting, what's up? - 我聽見很多喊聲,出了什麼事了?

We haven't heard from him for weeks but we're still hoping for a letter. - 我們已經有幾個星期沒有他的消息,但仍然盼望著他的來信。

I heard such a funny story this morning. - 今天早上我聽到一件十分有趣的事。

I heard the clock, but I didn't get up until 9. - 我聽見鬧鐘了,但我捱到九點才起。

Have you heard the weather forecast? - 你聽天氣預報了嗎?

I haven't heard from him for a long time. - 我很久沒有收到他的信了。

How long has it been since you've heard from your uncle? - 自從你聽到叔叔的消息有多長時間了?

Janet got mad when she heard the false story. - 珍妮特聽到了虛偽的話,因而大發雷霆。

I've never heard that piece before.Who wrote it? - 我從來沒聽過那樂章,那是誰寫的?

Perhaps you've heard our product's name. Would you like to know more about it? - 也許你已聽說過我們產品的名稱,你想知道更多一點嗎?

No, I heard she's married with two kids. - 不,我聽說她已使君有夫,還有兩個孩子。

I heard you'd been sick. - 聽說你身體不舒服。

Edward had heard of the famous singer from Europe. - 愛德華曾聽說過歐洲出身的著名歌星的事。

I heard you. - 我聽到了啦。

That's a bad idea if I've ever heard one! - 你出這什麼餿主意!

I have just heard from my sister, Mary. - 我剛收到我妹妹瑪麗的一封信。

I haven't heard from her for a long time. - 我好久沒有她的消息了。

Have you heard from Marry? - 你收到瑪麗的來信嗎?

I heard some one laughing. - 我聽見有人在笑。

You may have heard of Birth Control. - 你們也許聽說過控制人口出生的措施。

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. - 突然他們聽到身後有聲音。

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. - 喬治聽到了響聲,迅速地下了樓。

I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. - 我住在一個機場附近,過往飛機日夜不絕於耳。

Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. - 丹聽到這個消息後,驚奇萬分,

He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. - 他告訴我有天夜裡他怎麼也睡不著,因為他聽到酒吧裡傳來一陣奇怪的響聲。

Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. - 雖然聲音聽得很清楚,但我過了好一會兒才作出反應。

the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. - 即那座從英國廣播公司的廣播中全世界都可以聽到它的聲音的著名大鐘。

Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. - 第二天一大早,她聽到頭頂上有飛機飛過,但不知道怎樣才能發個信號。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. - 那天晚上唯一有趣的事情是節目開始時那個報幕員的開場白。

The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, - 控制塔上的官員得知這一消息後,非常氣憤,

She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. - 她聽見前門被打開,走廊裡響起重重的腳步聲。

George was not too upset by his experience because the lady who owns the sweet shop heard about his troubles and rewarded him with large box of chocolates. - 不過,此事並沒使喬治過於傷心,因為糖果店老闆娘聽說了他遇到的麻煩後,賞給他一大盒巧克力。


n.胎兒心音已聞 - fetal heart heard

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