





n. blackbeard ,edward teach ,edward thatch ,thatchv. instruct ,learn


teach[ti:tʃ]vt. 教;教授;教導vi. 教授;講授;當老師


teach 教導;講授;展示,教;傳授;to teach (老師)上課;(老師)上課;教育;(老師)上課 英語學習網;teach school 教書,當教師;教書;教書,當教師;當教師;Edward Teach 愛德華·蒂奇;愛德華·提奇 海上討生活的船老大;神奇的六維電子報表;愛德華·提奇teach pendant 教導器;示教器;


1.All this taught them how to cope with difficulties. 所有這些都教育了他們應如何克服困難。

2.Someone ought to punish the thief and teach him a lesson. 有人應該懲罰一下這個小偷,並且教訓教訓他。

3.What does God want us to do with those who teach his Word in truth and purity? 神希望我們對那些在真理和純正上教導神的話語的人該做的是甚麼?


I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, - 我總是告誡孩子們獨立的重要。

Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday. - 改天你教教我如何使用電腦吧。

I hope this will teach you a lesson. - 希望這會給你一個教訓。

I continued to teach piano lessons at home. - 我繼續在家教鋼琴。

During your computer classes, did they teach you how to fix a cooling fan? - 在你的電腦課程,他們是否教過你如何修理散熱風扇?

I feel sorry for the beggars, but I can't stand it when they teach their children how to beg. - 我很同情乞丐,但我真的看不慣他們教孩子怎麼樣行乞。

I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。

To teach a fish how to swim. - 孔子面前讀詩書,班門弄斧。

He couldn't teach such dull children. - 他教不了這麼笨的孩子。

They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week. - 他們用一周的時間教速成英語課程。

To teach how to drive a car - 教人駕駛汽車

Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. - 休要班門弄斧。

Love and business teach eloquence. - 愛情和買賣可以培養口才。

Method will teach you to win time. - 方法可教會你贏得時間。

Never offer to teach fish to swim. - 切莫教魚游泳。

The years teach much which the days never know. - 學問集年而成,而每日不自知也。

He glared at Bill, ready to teach him a lesson. - 他怒視著比爾,準備教訓他一頓。

They teach us Chinese and we teach them English. Please write soon! - 他們教我們漢語,我們教他們英語。請趕快回信。

I'll teach you if you like. - 要是你願意學,我來教你。

We also want to teach all the children to perform. - 我們還想教會所有的兒童演奏。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play. - 安妮首先要做的事情之一,就是教我如何耍。

It took great imagination as well as patience for Annie to teach me to speak. - 教我說話需要極大的想像力和耐心。


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