a. called
namedadj. 命名的;指定的;被指名的v. 命名;任命(name的過去分詞);稱呼
named 命名的;被指名的;指定;命名;named owner 指名的所有權人;指啲所有權人;Named instance 命名實例;具名執行個體;named sequence 命名循序項;命名循序項 命名循序項;named argument 命名參數;具名參量;具名引數;具名參量 具名引數;
1.Alaska was named by the Russians, from whom Alaska was bought in 186
7. 阿拉斯加是由俄國人命名的,是在1867年由他引進的。
2.The current subject is the adorable new exchange student from Australia, named Jason. 當前的話題是新來的澳大利亞交換學生,可愛的傑森。
3.If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this email. 如果您不是指定的收信人,您不應該傳播,發佈或複製這電子郵件。
In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. - 1948年他去了剛果的基伍湖,對一座後來被他命名為基圖羅的新火山進行觀察。
Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme. - 1524年,一位鮮為人知的意大利人維拉薩諾駕船駛進紐約港,並將該港名為安古拉姆。
his name will probably remain immortal, for on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him. - 但他的名字將流芳百世,因為1964年11月21日建成的一座世界上最長的吊橋是以他的名字命名。
This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft. - 這種電腦採用了一種被稱為磁盤操作系統(DOS)的工作程序,而這種程序是由當時規模不大的微軟公司生產的。
Some years ago an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep. - 前些年,美國一位精神病學者發表了一篇報告,報告中記錄了眼球在睡眠時的活動情況。
One day a young man named Kunta Kinte went off into the forest to cut down a tree as he wanted to make a drum. - 有一天,一位叫孔塔·肯特的年輕人走進森林中去砍樹,因為他想做一個鼓。
He named the country Ao-tea-roa which means the land of the long,white cloud. - 他將這個地方稱之為"奧蒂羅"。意思是白雲綿綿的地方"。