multiple-launcher rocket system 多管火箭系統;
1.At last my company managed to eliminate the Russians, with good help from a unit (of) "Do-werfers" (some sort of rocket launcher - JP). 在一支火箭部隊的幫助下,我的連把蘇聯人趕了回去。
2.If something's upset them, they chuck stones at us, and maybe fire a live round or two, and then someone might go home and dig out their RPG [rocket-launcher] and bang one off at us. 如果有什麼事情惱怒了他們,他們就朝我們扔石頭,也可能打上一二槍。也會有人回家挖出他們的火箭發射器,立刻朝我們射擊。
3.If something's upset them, they chuck stones at us, and maybe fire a live round or two, and then someone might go home and dig out Bill their RPG [rocket-launcher] and bang ones off at us. 如果有什麼事情惱怒了他們,他們就朝我們扔石頭,也可能打上一二槍。也會有人回家挖出他們的火箭發射器,立刻朝我們射擊。