





n. alluviation ,deposit


sedimentation[,sedimən'teiʃən]n. 沉降,沉澱


Sedimentation 沉積;沉澱;沉降;沉積酌;sedimentation tank 沉澱池;沈降池;沈降槽;沉降池;sedimentation rate 沉澱速度;沈降速度;沉降速度;沉降速率;sedimentation velocity 沉降速度;沉積速度;沈積速率;沈降速率;sedimentation balance 沉降天平;沉積天平;沉積天平,沉降天平;沉降天;


1.Challenge, explore, sedimentation, filtration of the process is life wonderful. 挑戰,探索,沉澱,過濾的過程就是生活的精彩。

2.As sedimentation continues the deposits adjacent to the aperture will build up, layer by layer, to the water level . 當沉積作用連續進行時,鄰近口子的沉積將一層一層地向上築造到水面。

3.A process for the production of FCC feed and rubber aromatic oil by sedimentation and separation from the extraction oil, a by-product of the furfural refining unit, is introduced. 介紹對糠醛精製裝置副產品抽出油進行沉降分離生產催化裂化原料和橡膠芳烴油工藝過程以及對其性能的評定情況。


corrected sedimentation rate - 校正的沉降率

erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate; fahraeusreaction - 法利伍氏反應

sedimentation basin; sedimentation tank; settling tank - 沉澱池

sedimentation rate test; sedimentationratetest - 沉澱率試驗

n. sedimentation analysis - 沉積分析

deposition; sedimentation balance - 沉積天平

sedimentation equilibrium - 沉積平衡

erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate; sedimentation reaction; n. precipitation reaction - 沉降反應

sedimentation constant - 沉降常數

sedimentation equilibrium - 沉降平衡

sedimentation time - 沉降時間

sedimemation rate; sedimentation rate; sedimentationrate - 沉降率

sedimentation coefficient - 沉降係數

sedimentation rate; sedimentation velocity; sedimentationrate; settling rate - 沉降速度

sedimentation rate; sedimentationrate - 沉降速率

sedimentation basin - 澄清池

n. coal mine sedimentation pond - 煤礦沉澱池

urine-test sedimentation glass - 玻璃檢尿沉凝杯

stool sedimentation and hatching - 糞便沉孵檢查

erythrocyte sedimentation reaction - 紅細胞沉降反應

sedimentation time - 紅細胞沉降時間

blood sedimentation rate; bloodsedimentationrate; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate - 紅細胞沉降率

erythrocyte sedimentation test - 紅細胞沉降試驗

natural sedimentation method - 自然沉澱法

direct sedimentation concentration method - 自然沉澱集卵法

blood sedimentation rate; bloodsedimentationrate - 血沉

sedimentation rate test; sedimentationratetest - 血沉試驗

westergrens blood sedimentation tube - 魏氏血沉管


帶沉降(法),區帶沉降法 - band sedimentation

血沉降作用 - blood sedimentation

n.紅細胞沉降率,血沉 - blood sedimentation rate

血沉降試驗 - blood sedimentation test

n.混凝沉澱 - coagulation sedimentation

n.校正的沉降率 - corrected sedimentation rate

n.差示沉降 - differential sedimentation

n.自然沉澱集卵法 - direct sedimentation concentration method

n.紅細胞沉降 - erythrocyte sedimentation

n.沉降反應,法利伍氏反應 - erythrocyte sedimentation rate

血沉速度值 - erythrocyte sedimentation rate value

n.紅細胞沉降反應 - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction

n.紅細胞沉降試驗 - erythrocyte sedimentation test

血沉值 - erythrocyte sedimentation value

n.等密度平衡沉降 - isodensity equilibrium sedimentation

n.自然沉澱 - natural sedimentation

n.自然沉澱法 - natural sedimentation method

無孔隙催化劑 - non-pigment sedimentation type contacttype dermatitis

n.糞便沉孵檢查 - stool sedimentation and hatching

n.蔗糖濃度梯度沉降法 - sucrose gradient sedimentation

n.玻璃檢尿沉凝杯 - urine-test sedimentation glass

n.魏氏血沉管 - westergrens blood sedimentation tube

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