subtotal['sʌb,təutəl, ,sʌb't-]adj. 幾乎全部的;不完全的n. 小計;部分合計數vt. 小計;求…的部分和vi. 求部分和
subtotal 部分和;分合計;幾乎全部的;小計,部分和;subtotal laryngectomy 喉次全切除術;subtotal thyroidectomy 腺次全切除;腺切除;次全甲狀腺切除術;subtotal hysterectomy 次全子宮切除術;子宮次全切除術;次全子宮切除;子宮大部切除術;subtotal gastrectomy 胃大部切除術;切除術;胃切除;胃次全切除;
1.The sum subtotalled is £34
2. 小計金額為342英鎊。
2.Results Total removal of the tumor was achieved in 262 and subtotal in 23 cases. 結果應用顯微外科技術將腫瘤全切除262例,次全切除23例。
3.Objective:To compare the value between subtotal resection of vertebral body with internal fixation and simple trephine decompression in treatment of CSM. 目的比較單純環鋸減壓柱狀植骨與椎體次全切除植骨加內固定治療脊髓型頸椎病的效果。
subtotal resection of maxilla - 上頜骨次全切除
subtotal amputation - 大部切斷術
subtotal hysterectomy; subtotalhysterectomy - 子宮次全切除術
subtotal ectomy; subtotal resection - 次全切除術
subtotal villose atrophy - 次全絨毛狀萎縮
subtotal thyroidectomy - 甲狀腺大部切除術
subtotal thyroidectomy - 甲狀腺次全切除術
partial adrenalectomy; subtotal adrenalectomy - 腎上腺次全切除術
subtotal gastrectomy - 胃次全切除術
subtotal hysterectomy; subtotalhysterectomy; supracervical hysterectomy; supravaginal hysterectomy - 陰道上子宮切除術