Zionism 猶太復國主義;錫安主義;復國主義;錫安主義;Political Zionism 政治猶太復國主義;Religious Zionism 宗教猶太復國主義;Christian Zionism 基督教猶太復國主義;基督教錫安主義;猶太主義者;anti-Zionism 主義;
1.The key to understanding Zionism lies in its name. 要理解錫安主義,可以從它的名字入手。
2.The duality of Zionism may just value it as the national liberation movement on the one hand, and as narrow national element. 猶太復國主義具有兩重性:它既是猶太民族的解放運動;也有狹隘的民族主義成分。
3.Anti-Zionism is therefore anti-Semitism in fact if not in declared intent, since it necessarily implies serious harm to large numbers of Jews. 反猶太復國主義就是,反猶太主義,其實如果不是在宣佈的意圖,因為它必然意味著嚴重損害大量的猶太人。
4.The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace. 猶太復國主義的兩重性對以巴和平產生的影響也是雙重的,利弊兼有。