alliern. 阿利埃河(位於法國中部)
allier 阿利埃河;阿列省;Thomas Allier 法國 自由車;Allier River 阿列河;
1.D'allier Sen was appointed just last week the Ministry of Finance, Vice-Minister in charge of financial stability. 阿列森上周剛剛被任命為財政部負責金融穩定的副部長。
2.Aged for one year in French Tron?ais and Allier oak barrels, Equuleus is rich and full bodied with flavours of cassis and dark chocolate. 它在法國產橡木桶中放置一年後裝瓶,擁有獨特的黑巧克力與黑茶藨子酒的味道,因此味道更為豐富。
3.The river Vareille flowed at the bottom, scraggy woods crowned the tops, in a four-house hamlet called Glozel in an unknown corner of the Allier 12 miles from Vichy in the very middle of France. 瓦雷耶河在谷底流淌,細瘦的樹木蓋著坡頂;這是一個只有四間房子、名叫「格羅佐」的村子,位於法國正中部,在阿列省的一處無名角落,離維希市12英里。