Research on the foreign anti-dumping and early-warning 國外對華反傾銷分析及預警——兼析歐盟對華反傾銷預警模型的建立;下一篇論文: 國外對華反傾銷分析及預警——兼析歐盟對華反傾銷預警模型的建立;上一篇論文: 國外對華反傾銷分析及預警——兼析歐盟對華反傾銷預警模型的建立;
1.Anti-Foreign-Religion Movement: Conflict or Culture or Discrimination against Advanced Culture? 反洋教鬥爭:文化衝突乎?排斥進步文化乎?
2.But it will be difficult to present a friendly, progressive face to the world if citizens are indulging in anti-foreign antics. 但是公民肆意的譁眾取寵的示威活動,將很難令中國向世界展示友好,進步的一面。
3.Another member of the audience said the Saturday night show was a boost for the city which has seen bloody anti-government and anti-foreign riots and bomb blasts. 另一位觀眾說,這座城市曾充滿血腥的反政府和反外國暴動和炸彈轟炸,上週六的夜秀無疑給我們以鼓舞。