asteroidal[,æstə'rɔidəl]adj. 星狀的
asteroidal 星狀的;asteroidal resonance 小行星共振;asteroidal dynamics 小行星動力學;asteroidal astroid 星狀的;asteroidal theory 小行星學說;
1.The average frequency of Tunguska-like asteroidal collisions ranges from one in 200 years to one in 1, 000 years. 對於通古斯卡事件這類規模較大但發生率較低的小行星碰撞事件,他們推測平均發生週期為200~1000年。
2.The researchers concluded that the heat generated by the joint decay of 26Al and 60Fe could not have caused asteroidal melting. 研究人員認為鋁26和鐵60產生的熱加起來,仍無法使小行星熔化。
3.In summary, a fair appraisal of the evidence indicates that collisions and the decay of 26Al were both important sources of asteroidal heating. 總結來說,為數可觀的證據顯示,撞擊和鋁26的衰變都是使小行星加熱的重要來源。