n. whooping cough
pertussis[pə'tʌsis]n. [病]百日咳
Pertussis 百日咳;疫咳;日咳;百日咳 疫咳;Pertussis Vaccine 百日咳菌苗;百日咳疫苗;釋義:百日咳菌苗白喉類毒素混合制劑,百白二聯[生物制劑;百日咳疫菌;pertussis test 釋義:百日咳(皮膚)試驗;pertussis syndrome 釋義:百日咳綜合征;pertussis immunization 釋義:百日咳免疫法;
1.Whooping Cough (pertussis) is a bacterial disease common in children throughout the world. 百日咳是全世界兒童中常見的細菌性疾病。
2.Recent studies suggested that erythromycin may be effective in prophylaxis against pertussis in exposed, susceptible persons. 最近的研究提示,紅黴素對暴露於百日咳的易感者,在預防上有效。
3.Preiously vaccination against pertussis was not recommended for those oer 6 years of age, they add, because of concerns of increased reactogenicity of the whole-cell vaccines. 他們還提到,由於擔心以前的全細胞百日咳疫苗日漸增強的致反應力,因此不推薦對6歲以上年齡的青少年使用。
diphtheria and pertussis vaccine - 白喉百日咳疫苗
diphtheria and pertussis vaccine - 白喉百日咳菌素
diphtheria; tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine - 白喉破傷風類毒素百日咳菌苗
hemophilus pertussis vaccine - 百日咳嗜血桿菌疫苗
pertussis and tetanus vaccine - 百日咳白喉破傷風三聯疫苗
pertussis syndrome; whooping cough syndrome - 百日咳綜合征
pertussal encephalopathy; pertussis encephalopathia - 百日咳腦病
per;vac; pertussis vaccine; whooping cough vaccine - 百日咳菌苗
n.百日咳嗜血桿菌 - bacillus pertussis
n.百日咳桿菌 - bordetella pertussis
n.白喉百日咳菌素,白喉百日咳疫苗 - diphtheria and pertussis vaccine
n.百日咳嗜血桿菌 - haemophilus pertussis
n.博-讓二氏桿菌 - hemophilus pertussis
n.百日咳嗜血桿菌疫苗 - hemophilus pertussis vaccine
n.白喉破傷風類毒素百日咳菌苗 - tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine