precisian[pri'siʒən]n. 嚴謹的人;呆板的人;清教徒;挑剔的人
precisian 守規者;挑剔的人;呆板的人;嚴謹的人;Design of Precisian Machinery in Electronic Industry 電子精密機械設計;
1.Day type sofa is applied to like nature simple and life precisian. 日式沙發適用於喜歡自然樸素並且生活嚴謹的人。
2.From his the way one speaks or what he says, dress can feel he is a reason completely and precisian. 從他的言談,服飾都完全能感覺他是一個理性而嚴謹的人。
3.Male host is very static, no matter be the way one speaks or what he says from him, still be the room of spotless, can feel this is one works in perfect order, quite precisian. 男主人很靜,無論是從他的言談,還是一塵不染的房間,都能感覺到這是一位做事井井有條,相當嚴謹的人。