





a. cannular ,tubelike ,tube-shaped ,vasiform


tubular['tju:bjulə]adj. 管狀的


tubular 管狀的;管形的;管的,管狀的;管狀;tubular turbine 貫流式水輪機;貫兩水輪機;管式水渦輪;tubular capacitor 管狀電容器;釋義:管狀電容器;管形電容器;tubular tissue 管狀組織;tubular forceps 管內鉗;


1.I have a tubular cup. 我有一個管狀的杯子。

2.Blood incompatibilities can also result in tubular damage and severe oliguria. 血型不合也能導致腎小管損害和嚴重的少尿。

3.The Coke Plant tackled the problems by using the "Four New Techniques", safeguarding the tubular belt conveyer's safe and stable operation. 萊鋼焦化廠通過應用「四新技術」,解決了這些問題,保障了管狀膠帶輸送機的安全、穩定運行。


human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen - 人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原

simple tubular gland - 單管腺

cylindroid aneurysm; tubular aneurysm - 圓柱樣動脈瘤

compound tubular gland - 復管腺

porous layer open tubular column - 多孔層毛細管柱

dense tubular system; dts - 密管系統

maximum tubular excretory capacity - 小管最大排泄量

maximum tubular reabsorptive capacity - 小管最大重吸收量

tubular fluid - 小管液

open tubular column - 開口管柱

acute necrosis of renal tubules; acute tubular necrosis - 急性腎小管壞死

support coated open tubular column - 支體塗漬毛細管柱

bronchial respiration; tubular breathing; tubular respiration - 氣管呼吸音

intracisternal tubular inclusion - 池內管狀包涵體

support-coated open tubular column - 塗載體開口管柱

support coated open tubular column - 塗載體的空心柱

n. welded tubular joint - 焊接管狀接頭

phosphate-losing tubular disorders - 磷酸鹽丟失性腎小管障

open tubular capillary packedcolumn - 空心毛細管填充柱

tubular vaginal speculum - 管形陰道窺器

tubular nose - 管形鼻

tubular respiration; tubular sound - 管性呼吸音

tubular stethoscope - 管狀聽診器

n. tubular product - 管狀品

tubular fistula - 管狀瘺

tubular skin flap - 管狀皮瓣

transplantation of tubular skin flap - 管狀皮瓣移植術

n. tubular structure - 管狀結構

tubular gland - 管狀腺

tubular visual field - 管狀視野

tubular contraction of visual field - 管狀視野縮小

n. tubular part - 管狀配件

n. tubular part - 管狀零件

glomerulo distal tubular shunt - 腎小球-遠端小管短路

renal tubular epithelial cell - 腎小管上皮細胞

renal tubular secretion - 腎小管分泌

renal tubular insufficiency - 腎小管功能不全

impaired renal tubular rebsorption - 腎小管吸收不良

renal tubular backflow - 腎小管回流

tubular mass - 腎小管團

tubular basement membrane - 腎小管基底膜

maximum tubular excretory capa - 腎小管對氨基馬尿酸量大排泄率

maximal renal tubular excretion of hippuric acid - 腎小管對氨馬尿酸最大排泄量

tubular proteinuria - 腎小管性蛋白尿

renal tubular excretion - 腎小管排泄

renal tubular rejection fraction ratio of sodium - 腎小管排鈉率比值

tubular excretory capacity maximum - 腎小管最大排泄能力

macimal tubular excretory capacity - 腎小管最大排泄量

maximal tubular transferring capacity - 腎小管最大轉運量

maximu tubular reasorptive capacity - 腎小管最大重吸收量


n.急性腎小管壞死 - acute tubular necrosis

n.復管腺 - compound tubular gland

n.胞漿管狀凝集作用 - cytoplasmic tubular aggregates

n.密管系統,緻密管道系統 - dense tubular system

n.腎小球-遠端小管短路 - glomerulo distal tubular shunt

n.人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原 - human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen

n.腎小管吸收不良 - impaired renal tubular rebsorption

n.池內管狀包涵體 - intracisternal tubular inclusion

n.腎小管最大排泄量 - macimal tubular excretory capacity

n.腎小管對氨馬尿酸最大排泄量 - maximal renal tubular excretion of hippuric acid

腎小管最大分泌量,腎小管最大排泄極量 - maximal tubular excretory capacity

n.腎小管葡萄糖最大重吸收量 - maximal tubular rebsorption of glucose

n.腎小管最大轉運量 - maximal tubular transferring capacity

n.腎小管最大重吸收量 - maximu tubular reasorptive capacity

腎小管最大運輸量 - maximum capacity of tubular transport

n.腎小管對氨基馬尿酸量大排泄率 - maximum tubular excretory capa

n.小管最大排泄量 - maximum tubular excretory capacity

n.小管最大重吸收量 - maximum tubular reabsorptive capacity

乳房髓樣腺管癌 - medullary tubular carcinoma of breast

n.空心毛細管填充柱 - open tubular capillary packedcolumn

n.開口管柱 - open tubular column

n.磷酸鹽丟失性腎小管障 - phosphate-losing tubular disorders

n.多孔層毛細管柱 - porous layer open tubular column

n.腎小管酸中毒 - renal tubular acidosis

n.腎小管回流 - renal tubular backflow

n.腎小管上皮細胞 - renal tubular epithelial cell

n.腎小管排泄 - renal tubular excretion

n.腎小管功能不全 - renal tubular insufficiency

n.腎小管負荷量 - renal tubular load

n.腎小管排鈉率比值 - renal tubular rejection fraction ratio of sodium

n.腎小管分泌 - renal tubular secretion

腎輸尿管酸中毒 - renal uriniferous tubular acidosis

繼發性腎小管性酸中毒 - secondary renal tubular acidosis

n.選擇性腎小管功能障礙 - selective renal tubular dysfunction

n.單管腺 - simple tubular gland

n.塗載體的空心柱,支體塗漬毛細管柱 - support coated open tubular column

n.塗載體開口管柱 - support-coated open tubular column

n.管狀皮瓣移植術 - transplantation of tubular skin flap

橫小管系統,橫管系統 - transverse tubular system


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