codewordn. 代碼字;代號
codeword 代碼字 電碼字;編碼字;符號語;代碼字 密碼命令 碼字;fraudulent codeword 偽造文書;偽造碼字;CW CodeWord 代碼字;codeword triplet 釋義:三連符暗號;Codeword Codeword 碼字;
1.The sellers openly describe the bags as "A products" — a codeword for counterfeit goods. 賣家公開地描述為「A貨」——假貨的代名詞。
2.This he did at least 13 times. "De Lesseps", it turned out, was the codeword for the Egyptian army to start the seizure, and nationalisation, of the canal. 他至少13次提及萊塞普這個名字,後來的事實說明,這個名字就是埃及軍隊開始奪取蘇伊士運河控制權的代號,同時也是運河國有化的代號。
3.In the codeword splitting step, covariance between column one and other columns of each subset is calculated and the corresponding codeword is split into twos according to the covariance. 生成新的初始碼書時,首先計算被分割碼向量所映射的訓練子集的第一個份量與其他各份量之間的協方差;根據協方差來分割相應的碼向量。