a. harmful
a. harmless ,innocuous
noxious['nɔkʃəs]adj. 有害的;有毒的;敗壞道德的;討厭的
noxious 有毒的;有害的;厭惡的;不衡生的;noxious animal 有害動物;noxious weed 毒草;noxious substance 有害物質;有害物;釋義:有毒物質,有害物質;noxious fumes 有毒炮煙;釋義:有毒煙霧;
1.We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us. 在我們被這些有毒氣體窒息之前,必須查出其來源。
2.It is showed that the main reason of error on measure results of noxious gas content after blasting is the use of cannon expanding. 實驗表明,鋼炮擴孔是造成小直徑炸藥爆炸後有毒氣體含量測定結果產生誤差的重要原因。
3.Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles, for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. 厄庇朱透斯的家裡放著一個甕,裡面裝著一些害人精。他因為一直忙著挨面人類在新住天危身,還沒有瞅失上處置它們。
noxious retention theory - 免疫有害保持學說
exogenous pathogenic factors; exopathogen; external noxious factors - 外邪
seasonal and epidemic pathogenic factors; seasonal noxious agen; seasonal noxious agent - 時毒
noxious stimulus - 有害刺激物
noxious constituent - 有害成份
harmful gas; noxious gas - 有害氣體
diffusion of noxious substance - 有害物擴散
indirect action of noxious substance - 有害物質間接作用
noxious wate rdisease; noxious water disease - 水毒
damp toxins; noxious dampness - 濕毒
hematochezia due to noxious dampness - 濕毒下血
noxious heat; toxic heat - 熱毒
n.有害物擴散 - diffusion of noxious substance
n.外邪 - external noxious factors
n.濕毒下血 - hematochezia due to noxious dampness
n.有害物質間接作用 - indirect action of noxious substance
n.時毒 - seasonal noxious agen
n.時毒 - seasonal noxious agent