befriend 幫助;援助;幫助,照顧;交友;Befriend Animal 動物之友;Befriend a European girl 希望自己可以;THE SPICE OF LIFE IS TO BEFRIEND 生命的多彩在於交友;Befriend the glorious end of the line 要互相扶助地走下去,直至美麗終點,直至世界邊緣;
1.She is such a lovely girl. Everyone likes to befriend with her. 她是個善良體貼的女孩,所有人都喜歡和她做朋友。
2.So the men of complete virtue respect, love, befriend and help all persons. 所以,應該尊敬所有的人,愛護他們,親近他們,幫助他們。
3.China will befriend ostracised regimes and encourage them to defy international norms. 中國待排斥外來勢力的當地政府為朋友,鼓勵它們越過國際規則。
4.Only man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才會和這個性情高傲脾氣倔強的年輕人繼續交往。
5.On the other hand, we were hungry, and to reject the gesture altogether would humiliate the warder we were trying to befriend. 而另一方面,我們飢腸轆轆,完全拒絕這種表示會使我們正盡力去親近的獄吏感到羞辱。