videocassettes[,vidiəukæ'set]n. 錄影帶
1.Of that total, about $
2. 4 billion was lost to copying movies to videocassettes, DVDs or video CDs. 其中,24億美元的損失是由非法複製的錄影帶、DVD和VCD造成。
2."We did not find a consistent relationship between development of depressive symptoms and exposure to videocassettes, computer games, or radio, " they report. 「我們並沒有發現患抑鬱症和聽歌,電腦遊戲或者廣播中間有什麼固定的聯繫。」報告上說。
3.Ironically, even as the government was fulminating against American policy, American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market. 具有諷刺意味的是,甚至當政府正強烈譴責美國的政策時,美國牛仔褲和錄像帶卻是市場的攤位上最搶手的商品。