n. materia medica ,pharmacological medicine
胺藥理學 - amine pharmacology
藥學學士 - bachelor of pharmacology
n.基礎藥理學 - basic pharmacology
行為藥理學 - behavioral pharmacology
n.生化藥理學 - biochemical pharmacology
n.細胞藥理學 - cellular pharmacology
化學藥理學 - chemical pharmacology
n.臨床藥理學 - clinical pharmacology
比較藥理學 - comparative pharmacology
n.發育藥理學 - developmatl pharmacology
遺傳藥理學 - developmental pharmacology
藥學博士 - doctor of pharmacology
n.環境藥理學 - environmental pharmacology
n.實驗藥理學 - experimental pharmacology
n.數學藥理學 - mathematical pharmacology
n.分子藥理學 - molecular pharmacology
n.器官藥理學 - organo pharmacology
農藥藥理 - pesticide pharmacology
n.臨床前藥理 - preclinical pharmacology
n.定性藥理學 - qualitative pharmacology
n.定量藥理學 - quantitative pharmacology
n.量子藥理學 - quantum pharmacology
日本營養藥理學分法國會 - the method of Japan alimentary pharmacology congress