1.The photo-synthesis is subjected to interference or breakage, the plant will take place abnormality death. 光合作用受到干擾或破壞,植物將發生不正常的死亡。光合作用是葉綠素吸收光能。
2.Synthesis methods of PFPE are mainly anion polymerization of perfluoro-epoxide and photo-initiated oxidation of perfluoro-olefine. 其合成方法主要有全氟環氧化物的陰離子聚合法和全氟烯烴直接光氧化法2種。
3.The photo-synthesis is the important process that the high etc. green plant obtains energy and manufacturing nutrition, is the existent foundation of the plant life; 光合作用是高等綠色植物取得能量和製造養料的重要過程,是植物生命存在的基礎;