saifabbr. 南非鑄造工作者學會(South African Institute of Foundrymen)
SAIF 上海高級金融學院;軟銀賽富;軟銀亞洲;軟銀亞洲投資基金;Saif Qadhafi 賽義夫;SAIF Partners 軟銀賽富;基金管理公司;賽富基金;賽富投資基金;Saif al-Adel 阿德爾;Saif al Islam 之子賽義夫;
1.SAIF fund partner for peace Lin said that for some time, education, environmental protection, technology, new investment in agriculture is the key. 軟銀賽富投資基金合夥人林和平則表示,未來一段時間,教育、環保、技術、新農業是投資重點。
2.The network says unknown gunmen in Baghdad attacked the vehicle carrying cameraman Alaa Uldeen Aziz and soundman Saif Laith Yousuf as they were returning home from work late Thursday. 這傢電視台說,巴格達身份不明的槍手星期四傍晚在攝影師阿齊茲和錄音師尤素夫下班回傢途中襲擊了他們的車輛。
3.The exact powers Saif al-Islam will exercise are not clear, but the appointment, if confirmed, is likely to convince many observers that he is being groomed as successor to his father. 目前尚不清楚這一職務的具體權限,但如果消息屬實,將有助於賽義夫接替父親成為新的國家元首。