Scarlett Marrying Charles 思嘉和查爾斯成婚;Sylvia Scarlett 塞莉婭·斯卡利特;男裝;西爾維婭·斯嘉麗》;Scarlett Johansson 斯嘉麗·約翰遜;斯嘉麗-約翰遜;斯佳麗·約翰遜;斯嘉麗·約翰森;
1.Oh, Scarlett, my men are barefooted now and the snow in Virginia is deep. 噢,斯佳麗,我的手下現在都光著腳,而且維吉尼亞的雪很深呀!
2.Ashley:Oh, Scarlett, my men are barefooted now, and the snow in Virginia is deep. 希禮:噢,斯佳麗,我的手下現在都光著腳,而維吉尼亞的雪很深。
3.Scarlett obeyed, bracing herself and catching firm hold of one of the bedposts. 思嘉照她的吩咐,緊緊抓住一根床柱,站穩了身子。
4.Rhett rebuilds the plantation and buys a big house in Atlanta. Scarlett soon gives birth to a baby girl, Bonnie. 白瑞德重建了農場,並在亞特蘭大買了間大房子。郝思嘉不久就生了女兒邦妮。
5.Reiter guarded Scarlett, and Bonnie, the extension of her life, he holds on the whole love that a man could give to a woman. 瑞特守望著斯佳麗,以及她生命的延續小邦妮,守望著一個男人能給予一個女人的全部的愛。