cold-rolled steel strip cold-rolled strip cold-rolling strip steel cold-strip steel 冷軋帶鋼;cold-rolled steel strip cold-rolled strip cold-rolling strip steel cold-strip steel 冷軋帶鋼;cold-rolled steel strip cold-rolled strip cold-rolling strip steel cold-strip steel 冷軋帶鋼;cold-rolled steel strip cold-rolled strip cold-rolling strip steel cold-strip steel 冷軋帶鋼;mine jumbo mine rig 礦用鑽車;
1.Our Main products are cold rolled steel coil/ sheet/ strip, hot rolled steel coil/ sheet/ strip, galvanized steel coil/ sheet/ strip, prepainted steel coil/ sheet/ strip, etc. 本公司主營寶鋼彩塗,鍍鋅,鍍鋁鋅,熱軋,冷軋。科弘彩塗,鍍鋅,為上海地區有影響力的
2.The gas grade appraising in the coal mine is a main approach to estimate whether a coal mine is a low or high gas mine, or coal &gas outburst one, and to prevent gas explosion and mine firing. 礦井瓦斯等級鑒定是確定煤礦屬於低瓦斯礦井、高瓦斯礦井還是煤與瓦斯突出礦井以及預防煤礦瓦斯爆炸危險和礦井自然發火危險等的一個重要手段。
3.Under the width to thickness ratio 625 of strip, this paper studies the 3-dimensional stress distributions of cold strip rolling by cubic spline function finite strip method. 本文在軋件寬厚比為625的條件下,用三次樣條函數有限條法研究了冷軋帶材三維應力的分佈問題。
4.Under the width to thickness ratio 625 of strip, this paper studies the 3-dimensional stress distributions of cold strip rolling by cubic spline function finite strip method. 本文在軋件寬厚比為625的條件下,用三次樣條函數有限條法研究了冷軋帶材三維應力的分佈問題。
5.Strip, that is, in Paris, as its name suggests is the dance side of the side strip to strip to please the audience. 脫衣舞,即艷舞,顧名思義就是一邊跳舞一邊脫衣,以脫衣來取悅觀眾。