





advertising means incorporating advertising meanss 廣告手段、結合廣告手段;POP advertising point-of-purchase advertising 購物點廣告;購粅點廣告;OP advertising point-of-purchase advertising 購物點廣告;advertising 宣傳,廣告;做廣告;廣告學;廣告,廣告業;advertising cost 廣告費;廣告;廣告成本;


1.Titles of the subjects of advertising activities: advertising operators and promulgators in the Advertising Law, namely advertising operators in the Regulations. 《廣告法》中的廣告經營者和廣告發佈者,即《條例》中的廣告經營者。

2.As the source of advertising: customers for informative articles, advertising agency, newspaper advertising departments soliciting contributions for the Organization of papers, etc. 告白出處為:客戶上門請求刊登、各告白公司組稿、報社告白局部組稿等。

3.Advertising Psychology, which is an essential part in holistic construction of Advertising, gives instruction to Advertising practice. 廣告心理學在廣告學科的整體構建中起到了重要的基礎性作用,在廣告實踐中也具有重要的指導意義。

4.The company reported that second quarter of television advertising, radio advertising and outdoor advertising revenues continue to decline. 這家公司報告稱,第二財季的電視廣告、廣播電台廣告以及戶外廣告營收繼續大幅下滑。

5.In the 21st century, advertising media has shifted from the media of mass communication to digital interactive media, thus making advertising interactive, becoming digital interactive advertising. 進入21世紀以來,廣告媒體由傳統的大眾傳媒轉向了數字交互媒體,使廣告具有了交互性,成為了數字交互廣告;


I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the advertising business. - 我想離開目前的工作是為了進入廣告業務以尋求發展。

I think yours is a well-known advertising company. - 我認為你們公司是一個著名的廣告公司。

Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency. - 打電話給廣告代理Zaskey夫人。

Probably a lot of advertising and bills. - 大概是一大堆廣告和帳單。

I am 22 years old and have a great job in an advertising agency, working for a very nice boss. - 我22歲,在一家廣告公司有一份如意的工作,為一位很不錯的老闆打工。

He has been working in advertising for ten years, but now he is teaching. - 他曾經在廣告公司服務十年,但現在在當老師。

for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. - 這是因為廣告在我們身上施加著一種潛移默化的影響。

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