theory of circumscription and compromise 界限妥協理論;compromise 妥協;洩漏;和解;妥協,折衷;engineering compromise 工程綜合方案;工程折中方案;工程折衷;工程折衷方案;compromise potential 平衡電位;compromise solution 妥協解;折衷解;和解解決;
1.Two different personality, converge, is the author of a realistic compromise, the reality is the ideal compromise. 二人不同性格,殊途同歸,是作者對現實的妥協,也是理想對現實的妥協。
2.Mr Obama may be tempted to compromise—to show military resolve by acceding to the commander's request, yet appease anti-war opinion by picking the lowest number. 奧巴馬總統很有可能採取妥協的做法:既顯示其軍事上的決心,同時派出最少的人數以平息反戰情緒。
3.While understanding your enemy may well lead you to agree with him, it also gives you more ammunition against him as well as a higher probability of reaching a compromise. 如果說理解你的敵人有可能會使你同意他們的觀點,這也會同時給予你更強大的火力與他們作戰和更高的幾率與他們達成妥協。
4.Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon. That's always been the difference between us, Deniel. 永不妥協,即便直面哈米吉多頓(世界善惡終極決戰)也決不妥協,這是我倆的區別,丹尼爾。
5.With this increased awareness, attackers are finding it more difficult to compromise systems at the network level. 由於對這些認識得越來越清楚,攻擊者發現在網絡級上危害系統更加困難。
Maybe we can compromise on this. - 也許我們還可以協商一下。
Why don't we compromise on this? - 為什麼我們不折衷一下?
A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. - 吃虧的和解也比勝訴強。