





cash discount time discount 現金折扣;cash discount time discount 現金折扣;discount discount rate 貼現率;discount abode 貼現行;貼現一自己一自己自己搞;discount accreted 折價增值;折價增值 財經;


1.The discount bank may apply for inter-bank discount on the strength of the undue commercial draft, or may apply for rediscount to the People's Bank of China. 貼現銀行可持未到期的商業匯票向其他銀行轉貼現,也可向中國人民銀行申請再貼現。

2.Most postganglionic routes are maintained to the four discount - tickets between a few days, the ticket prices would be even lower, 34 discount will be widespread. 節後大部分航線的折扣都維持在四-六折之間,再過幾天,機票價格會更低,三四折將十分普遍。

3.The Discount Code allows you to create codes that your customers can use to purchase a product at a discount price. 這口袋馬允許你建立你的顧客可以用來按折扣價購買一個產品的代碼。

4.The discount bank may apply for inter-bank discount on the strength of the undue commercial draft, or may apply for rediscount to the People's Bank of China. 貼現銀行可持未到期的商業匯票向其他銀行轉貼現,也可向中國人民銀行申請再貼現。

5.Our condition is: pay within 10 days with 2% discount, pay within 30 days without discount. 我們的條件是10日內付款為2%的折扣,30日內付款無折扣。


Oh, no sir. We already gave you a discount on each item. - 哦,不行,先生。每一件東西我們都給你打過折扣了。

Is there any discount on bulk purchases? - 我多買些能打折嗎?

A 20% discount will be given when you shop at Makro. - 你在萬客隆買東西會有20%的折扣。

Are there any discount tickets for me? - 給我有折扣嗎?

Is there any discount for the USA Railpass? - 火車通行證有折扣嗎?

You've already quoted a price of $ 800 per 1,000. Is there a discount for larger orders? - 你報的價是每1000個要美金800元,如大量訂購有折扣嗎?

Yes, there is. We can give a 5% discount for orders over 5,000 units. - 是的,有折扣,超過5000個我們可給5%的折扣。

We can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order. - 根據訂購數量的大小,我們可提供累進的折扣。

We really can't discount the price more than six percent. - 我們真的無法提供超過6%的折扣。

A discount of six percent is all that I'm authorized to offer you. - 6%的折扣是我權限內所能給你的。

We think $ 87,000 per unit with a five percent discount for orders over 100. - 我們減少到每台8。7萬美元,訂購超過100台給予5%的折扣。

Your unit price seems fair enough, but we're hoping for a higher discount rate. - 單價似乎合理,但我們希望給予更高的折扣率。

How much of a volume discount are you prepared to offer? - 總折扣你們準備提供多少?

We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. - 我們通常給予20%的商業折扣,外加訂貨1000件以上的數量折扣。

Could you please let us know what discount you can give for an order exceeding 400 sets? - 能否告知定貨超過400台你方所能給的折扣。

From all listed prices we allow a discount of 10 percent on orders received on or before 31st May. - 5月31日或此前收到的訂單,我們都按價目單上的價格給10%的折扣。

We offer a discount for large orders. - 我們對大量訂購有打折。

We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces. - 訂購一萬個以上,我們可以打九折。

Doesn't the quantity discount apply on this order? - 這次下的單子沒有大宗折扣嗎?

We can give you a discount if you order for immediate shipment. - 如果你的訂單是馬上出貨的話,我們可以打折。

What are your discount terms? - 折扣的條件是什麼?

We give a 2% discount for cash. - 付現的話折扣2%。

What are your discount terms? - 你們的折扣條件如何?

Let 's see, that means a 2% discount if paid within ten days. - 哦。那是說如果10天內付款,有2%的折扣。

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