





during['djuəriŋ]prep. 在…的時候,在…的期間


during 在期間;期間;在……期間;在…期間;during lunchtime 在午飯期間;午飯期間;在午飯時間;DURING PREGNANCY 懷孕期美食;懷孕期間;DRG During 在...期間;during transit 運輸途中;


1.She lived in California during the winter. 整個冬天她住在加利福尼亞州。

2.These attributes can change during the game. 這些屬性在遊戲期間能改變。

3.Vacation: A period during which you learn where to stay away from next year. 度假:一段時間,在這段時間裡你知道了明年千萬別去哪裡。


What do you like to do during holiday? - 在假日你喜歡做什麼?

It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation. - 這基本上包括了我們談判中取得一致的條款。

Do you have any magazines I can read during the flight? - 你們機上有雜誌給我看嗎?

I'm going to Ft. Lauderdale during spring break. - 在春假時,我打算去'Lauderdale'城堡。

and tell us all about it during lunch. - 一面吃午餐 ,一面告訴我們一切。

Where will you be living during your stay here? - 你在此期間打算住哪裡?

Well, he wakes up several times during the night, - 噢, 他一夜醒了好幾次,

He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. - 在夏天的這幾個月到我這裡來當實習生。

I don't like to travel during the holiday season. - 我不喜歡在放假的季節去旅遊。

Why do prices always go up during Spring Festival? - 為什麼春節期間很多東西都會漲價?

Where are you going during Summer vacation? - 暑假你打算去哪兒?

The road toll is higher during holiday periods. - 在節假日期間路橋費比以往要貴。

Many business people turn off their pagers and cell phones during their leisure time. - 許多商人在他們的休息時間裡都把傳呼機和移動電話關掉。

I ofter go shopping during National Day holiday. - 我經常是在國慶節購物。

Hi-tech companies needs many interns to work for them during the summer. - 高科技公司在夏天需要許多見習生為其工作。

To advertise during prime time TV is very expensive. - 在電視的黃金時段買廣告是很貴的。

If you are going to come over, make suer it's during our summer. - 如果你打算過來,記得我要在我們的夏季過來。

The weather during our holiday was perfect. - 我們度假時天氣好極了。

Through his experiences during those six years. - 在這六年中。

What will you do during this weekend? - 這週末你幹什麼?

Where were you during the month of April last year? - 去年四月份你在哪裡?

We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day. - 我們想用點時間來研究討論一下白天談判的情況。

The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations. - 合同將我們達成協議的內容基本上都寫上了。

We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons. - 我們要弄清楚貨物是否在運輸途中受損,還是在卸貨過程中受損,或者別的原因。

A standard one. Replacement during the first year if all rules for proper use have been followed. - 有一個原則,如果在一年內符合各種使用規定,就可更換。

Strong packing will protect the goods from any possible damage during transit. - 堅固的包裝可以防止貨物在運輸途中受到任何損失。

Many new ideas are discovered during college years. - 大部分嶄新的觀念都產生於大學時代。

Do you ever learn Chinese during the holidays? - 你曾經在假日期間學中文嗎?

Do you often do work during the holidays? - 你常常在假日期間做工作嗎?

Do you often work for Mr.stone during the holidays? - 你常常在假日期間為斯通先生工作嗎?

Do you usually play piano during the holidays? - 你通常在假日期間彈鋼琴嗎?

Were there any exciting incidents during your journey? - 你們在旅行中有沒有什麼令人激動的事情?

Look, Scott.This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia. - 看,這是我到澳大利來旅行時拍的一張照片。

They're people I met during the trip. - 他們是我旅行時認識的人。

I grew a beard during the trip.but I shaved it off when I came home. - 我在旅行時留了鬍子,但我回到家時就把它刮了。

Neither of us spoke during the journey. - 旅途中我們誰也沒講話。

he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. - 但他很難把汽車控制住,因為在開始的行程中爆了一隻輪胎。

For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. - 整整一個星期我根本沒有吸煙。在此期間,我妻子吃盡了苦頭。

She kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening. - 白天,瑪麗把羔羊拴在地裡的一顆樹上,每天晚上把它牽回家。

A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. - 一周以前,他曾成功地進行了一次26英里的陸上飛行。

However, boxing was very crude, for these were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. - 不過,拳擊是十分野蠻的,因為當時沒有任何比賽規則,職業拳擊手有可能在比賽中受重傷,甚至喪命。

It seemed certain that she would be the first ship home, but during the race she had a lot of bad luck. - 看來,它首先返抵英國是確信無疑的了,但它卻在比賽中連遭厄運。

In August, she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away. - 8月份「卡蒂薩克」號遭到一場特大風暴的襲擊,失去了一隻舵。

He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War. - 年齡比他兩個弟弟大很多,第二次世界大戰期間被迫參軍。

He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley. - 白天睡覺,夜裡出來幹活,一點不知道自己已成了恩得利家場的活鬼。

The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, admitted at once that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. - 那個看來滿臉沮喪、渾身漆黑的傢伙從煙囪裡一出來,就承認頭天夜裡他企圖到店裡行竅,但讓煙囪卡住了。

Franz poured scorn on the idea, pointing out that his brother had been killed in action during the war. - 弗朗茲對此不屑一顧,指出他兄弟已經在戰爭中陣亡了。

Assuming that his family had been killed during an air raid, Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away where he had remained ever since. - 漢斯以為全家人都在空襲中遇難,於是便在距此50英里外的一座村子裡定居下來,直至當日。

The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35,000 B.C.and ended about 10,000 B.C. - 這些痕跡是遊牧人留下的,他們生活在從公元前約35,000年到公元前10,000年的冰川期的末期,以狩獵、捕魚為生。

I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasional visit during the weekend. - 總認為鄉村是透過火車車窗看到的那個樣了,或偶爾週末去遊玩一下景象。


vaginal bleeding during sexual intercourse - 交接出血

acute mastitis during pregnancy - 內吹

n. disintegration during reduction - 冶煉時的衰變

n. degradation during reduction - 減低時的降解

breath-holding during labor - 分娩時屏氣

during the relieving course - 在緩解期間

food partiality during pregnancy; foodpartiality during pregnancy - 妊娠偏嗜

intractable cough during pregnancy - 妊娠咳嗽

dypnea during pregnancy - 妊娠喘

traumata during pregnancy - 妊娠外傷

hematuria during pregnancy - 妊娠尿血

damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy - 妊娠毒藥傷胎

edema during pregnancy; edema of pregnancy - 妊娠水腫

infection of skin during pregnancy - 妊娠瘡瘍

dizziness during pregnancy - 妊娠眩暈

edema during pegnancy - 妊娠腫脹

enuresis during pregnancy - 妊娠遺尿

hoarseness during pregnancy - 妊娠音啞

stranguria during pregnancy - 子淋

restlessness during pregnancy - 子煩

edema during pregnancy - 子腫

hysteria during pregnancy - 孕悲

burming sensation during urinar ion; burning sensation during urination - 小便灼熱

breaking of needle; breaking of the needle during acupuncture - 折針

breaking of the needle during acupuncture - 斷折針

fainting during acupuncture - 暈針

regular menstruation during pregnancy - 激經

n. groove preparation during interruption of welding - 焊接中斷期間坡口準備

sleepiness during the convalescence - 病後多眠

prolapse of rectum during delivery - 盤腸產

poor head positon during sleep - 睡覺時頸部位置不當

menstrual hygiene; sanitation during the menses - 經期衛生

edema during menstruation - 經期水腫

delirium during menstruation - 經來狂言譫語

hemafecia during menstruation - 經行便血

hematemesis during menstruation - 經行吐血

diarrhea associated with menstruation; diarrhea during menstruation - 經行洩瀉

bodily pain during menstruation; general aching during menstruation - 經行身痛

vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - 胎漏

grinding of teeth during sleeping - 齒介


n.內吹 - acute mastitis during pregnancy

n.經行身痛 - bodily pain during menstruation

n.分娩時屏氣 - breath-holding during labor

n.斷折針,折針 - breaking of the needle during acupuncture

n.小便灼熱 - burming sensation during urinar ion

n.小便灼熱 - burning sensation during urination

n.細胞週期中的氧效應 - cell cycle oxygen effects during

住院期間每日保險賠償費 - daily benefits during hospitalization

n.妊娠毒藥傷胎 - damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy

n.經來狂言譫語 - delirium during menstruation

n.經行洩瀉 - diarrhea during menstruation

n.妊娠眩暈 - dizziness during pregnancy

n.妊娠喘 - dypnea during pregnancy

n.經期水腫 - edema during menstruation

n.妊娠腫脹 - edema during pegnancy

n.妊娠水腫,子腫 - edema during pregnancy

n.妊娠遺尿 - enuresis during pregnancy

n.暈針 - fainting during acupuncture

n.妊娠偏嗜 - food partiality during pregnancy

n.妊娠偏嗜 - foodpartiality during pregnancy

n.經行身痛 - general aching during menstruation

n.齒介 - grinding of teeth during sleeping

n.經行便血 - hemafecia during menstruation

n.經行吐血 - hematemesis during menstruation

n.妊娠尿血 - hematuria during pregnancy

n.妊娠音啞 - hoarseness during pregnancy

n.孕悲 - hysteria during pregnancy

n.妊娠瘡瘍 - infection of skin during pregnancy

n.妊娠咳嗽 - intractable cough during pregnancy

n.睡覺時頸部位置不當 - poor head positon during sleep

n.盤腸產 - prolapse of rectum during delivery

n.激經 - regular menstruation during pregnancy

n.子煩 - restlessness during pregnancy

n.經期衛生 - sanitation during the menses

分娩時休克 - shock during labor

n.病後多眠 - sleepiness during the convalescence

n.子淋 - stranguria during pregnancy

n.妊娠外傷 - traumata during pregnancy

n.胎漏 - vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

n.交接出血 - vaginal bleeding during sexual intercourse


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