edging 邊鍛伸;飾邊;裝飾邊緣;邊緣處理;edging plant 裝緣植物;飾邊植物;edging stone 磨邊石;磨邊路;edging stand 立輥軋機;Edging impression 成邊型;
1.Synthetic diamond edging wheels are specially designed for the edging of optical glass and other glass materials. 人造金剛石磨邊專門用於光學玻璃及其他玻璃磨邊倒角。
2.Trims include buttons, lace edging, appliques, embroidery. Great variety in designs can be achieved through varying the detail. 鈕扣邊、花帶邊、嵌花邊以及刺繡邊。通過改變細部結構,可以得到變化無窮的多種設計。
3.Imported cars from Japan are edging out American cars. 本進口的汽車正在取代美國的汽車。
4.However, following a period of recuperation at Melwood, Torres is edging ever nearer to a first-team return. 然而,經過在梅爾伍德一段時間的恢復,托雷斯已經接近一隊回歸的日子。
5.Their essays invade academic journals as well as little magazines, sometimes edging poetry and fiction out of sight. 他們的論文大量湧入學術刊物和一些小雜誌,有時把詩和小說都擠沒了。
n. edging rolling - 滾壓邊
n. edging pass - 軋邊軋道